New Bug Encountered: Expression OR() not working


I have the expression OR() used on my app to allow users to skip on some section of the form they have to fill in (I used it on Show_If part). But somehow it only works for the first condition and skipped the second condition entirely so the section of the form is still show if the condition is the second one. Is there any way to fix this?

Pic for reference:

Hope this can be resolved soon. Thank you!

0 7 372

Is it possible that it shows the field because the first condition is TRUE? Then it doesnโ€™t matter if the second condition is TRUE or FALSE.

Iโ€™m sorry I donโ€™t understand. I used the expression on the SHOW_IF formula. The first condition is similar to the second one actually, I attached the picture of the formula in my question.

For me it sounds that you are looking for AND expression instead of OR.

Not exactly, what I want is the section to show if the first condition or the second condition is true

NOT(CONTAINS([Nama Produk],โ€œNO PRODUCTโ€)),

Ok I think that did the trick. Thank you so much.

The reason is thisโ€ฆ When the field is blank, the result for this NOT([Kontaminasi]=0) formula is TRUE.

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