New Bug Encountered: Images not showing consistently on Safari

Hi! I think there may be a new problem with how apps are rendered on the Safari browser on Macs. As you can see from the images, everything seems fine on Chrome but not on Safari. Using Chrome is no big deal for me personally but it would be nice if the platform worked on all major browsers.

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Oh dear . . . I thought this was just a browser issue but Iโ€™m having the same problem on my Android phone.

By the way, on Safari a erased the cash but that didnโ€™t help.

This is all very odd because I havenโ€™t edited this app for a long time and now Iโ€™m suddenly having a problem.

I would take triangle to mean the image is not publicly accessible or does not exist.

Thanks! That seems to be how the app began to interpret these images on Safari and on my Android phone โ€“ but not on Chrome for some reason. I erased the AppSheet app from my Android phone, reinstalled it and all is well again.

The images that are getting the triangle are on the server I have access to at my work place but they are accessible. Hmmm. Wonder what the cause is.

P.S. This is the second time in recent history that reinstalling my app on my Android (Huawei) phone has made a problem go away:

Iโ€™ve saved the html source for both browsers and, as expected, the code is the same. Interestingly, however, the browsers respond differently to the graphic url addresses. First, hereโ€™s a sample address (taken from the html):


This works when pasted into Chrome but not in Safari, even though Iโ€™m logged into the same account on Safari.

It works without a hitch on Firefox, though, even though Iโ€™m NOT logged in to AppSheet there.

Could something have changed on the AppSheet platform that might have caused this? If it were only Safari that would be less of a concern but basically the same thing happen on my Android phone.

Finally, hereโ€™s what happened with the same URL on Safari:

I think you should engage on this one.

Thanks! I was just in the process of doing that.

Hi, we tried loading the same url in Safari and it was working here. Trying to understand what this error message might imply.

Is there any pattern you can identify to the images that arenโ€™t working (or is it all of them)? Are they images that were recently added through the app?

Thanks Adam!

All of the images are old ones that I put on my server and that I access in the app through expressions.

The URL now works properly in my Safari browser and the app itself is working well too. I would say that itโ€™s probably a quirk of my own browser on my particular machine except that I had the same issue on my Android phone for a while too. Fortunately, the phone is also fine now.

Thanks for your help. Iโ€™ll post here again if the same issue comes up again.

Possible that your server is sporadically unavailable?

Thanks Steve! In this case, I was going back and forth between Safari and Chrome and everything was working consistently in Chrome but failing equally consistently on Safari. So, I donโ€™t think it was an issue with my server. Since then, by the way, everything has been fine.

We saw another report of the same error message around the same time, and we think now that this was related to an issue with one of our servers that should be resolved now. If you see it happen again, please let us know.

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