New Bug Encountered: Nested Rows


Itโ€™s seems thereโ€™s a bug or something with the Max. nested rows. (See attached).
It only shows one row, no matter the number of rows allowed to be nested.

1 5 619

You are probably doing that from a wrong view. You should set the value from the Detail view.

Itโ€™s done from the Detail view, Iโ€™ve the same problem as @Rosemary_Black, and after I sync the app on that view, I can see the other refโ€™s

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

It appears the refโ€™d data is using a deck view. Does the number of displayed items change if you change the deck view to a table view?


I have been having this same issue for about a week now. If you sync from this view, the 2 are shown instead of just the first one. Also, if you swipe right/left a little, without actually invoking the action, the second shows up as well.

This is a known bug. See also

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