Notification when a value hits

Hi Community,

I have an inventory management app where I want to get a notification when my stock value hits a certain preassigned value (I named it Restock Level). So, when Total Stock Available (which is a virtual column) = Restock Level I want to get a notification. To get a notification I added a condition stating the same i think but it doesn't work 

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For more clarity :-

Restock Level


Total Stock Available (Expression which is a virtual column and Decimal type)

Had to use virtual column since total stock value changes daily


Notification Condition:-






I think automation didnt trigger due to that there is no data change on Item table. 

You might want to set the trigger table to Inventory table then make a condition that check the current available stocks on item table  deducted by the inventory that currently on trigger record. 


Something like 

(Any(Select(Items[Current_Balance],(item_id=[_thisrow].[item_id]))) - [trans_qty] )< Any(Select(Items[Restock_level],(item_id=[_thisrow].[item_id])))


Havent test it, but you get the idea. 







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