OCRTEXT() function is NOT working

My Appsheet  OCRTEXT() function in the app stopped working. It was working fine, and I was able to extract text from image and suddenly it stooped working. Does Appsheet stop supporting this function? If yes, what is an alternative?

1 15 388

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I am unaware of any change to this feature. Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

@minrak Do you have any update on this?
I now see the same problem in free and paid account: OCRTEXT() is no more working.
I will inform AppSheet Support.

Adding @MultiTech @Koichi_Tsuji Is OCRTEXT() still working for you?

I quickly tested with my environment.  No, it is not working at this moment. A bug.



In the Network Activity I can see that there is a correct response. But  AppSheet is not putting the response in the right field. The column [OCRTEXT Initial Value] stays blank.



Because of "usual" bug.

I really wish to see Google to consider to introduce QA (quality assuarance) not to disturb us.


It is almost always happening. Something new is introduced (regardles that we knot or not know), then something else is broken. Then global users will start to claim. I see that 100 (or more) times for the last few years, and never improved, but it is getting worser.


I dont have the exact quantitive analysis, but this community place (for appsheet) is designed to share the problem (daily bugs) and to assist Google Dev team to strike out the problem.

It was actualy even before Google time ,but this situation is getting worser. 

Community should not be a place like this.


It is routinely happening.

Something new codes are released.

Then break something.

People start to ask or question here in this commuinty.

Google (apart from Steve) never respond.

If we are lucky, then the new code is rolled back.

However, we are never being informed through the daily release.

Annoying. We are hearing from bunch of our customers this is a problem. Appsheet is designed for business application. For all the businesses, we have to ensure the seamles and stability. But appsheet is unfortunately stable at all.

With BUGS always.

This situation is getting worser and worse day by day.  Worser than before Google time I would call.

These kinds of voice never reach out to right person in Google. So I have to stay speachless, as for me, dropping a voice here in new community is meaningless, as Google runs this, but they dump everything to the community.  Typical way how Google to deal with community. I never get impressed.


Hi Koichi,

First, we are very sorry for this regression and are taking steps to make sure it doesn't reoccur. Part of our incident response is to make sure we have action items to prevent reoccurrence of the regression and similar issues.

We have made substantial investments in stability and QA over the last year and these investments will continue into 2023 as well. That being said, the work is ongoing as we continue to make investments to quickly undo regressions, add tests and QA to prevent issues from making it out to production.

We are measuring system stability and 2022 has so far been better than 2021, although we continue to push for further improvements. Like you say, AppSheet is designed for business applications and any downtime is very disruptive.


Hi Minrak,

Thank you for reporting this issue, this was indeed a bug / regression.
We have taken the steps to correct it and the issue should now be resolved.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and are working to avoid future bugs/regressions.


Thank you very much @wabrian  for your fast replay. I can confirm that it's working again ๐Ÿ˜Š


It may be a known issue, but OCRTEXT() does not seem to work now in New Desktop mode.





Thanks Takuya! We are aware of this issue and hoping to get a fix out within the next week.
Thanks for reporting!

Thanks @wabrian 
It may be fixed at that time, but when used from the application, it does not seem to work regardless of Desktop mode.

Untitled Project.gif


Hi @wabrian 

The problem seems to be resolved now.
Perhaps there was a problem with my image capture.


โ€ƒThanks! ๐Ÿค—


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