Prevent the appsheet editor launching in learning center


Is there anyway to stop the Appsheet editor from opening the learning centre when it first launches? I find it useful to jump straight to a specific view or table (via a saved link), but every time I launch the editor, it flips over to the learning centre. Can anything be done about this?

Many thanks


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It sounds the option called "quickStart" in your URL link is set as True or it's missing. If you have it something like this, it should turn it OFF..

Hi , Thanks for coming back 

It seems to append &linkFrom=CopyApp#Home to my url 

Eg .  my original url with your โ€˜&quickStart=Falseโ€™  suggestion

Then it appends '&linkFrom=CopyApp#Home' no matter what 

So you end up with

And the editor always opens on the Learning center page

I'd say this has been happening for the past month. 

Many thanks 

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