Ref rows not displaying in email body template

My app builds quotes for products, then totals are calculated in a dynamic table in an email body template.

Iโ€™m pulling the specific quote details from a related table with a REF_ROWS virtual column.

When I send an email through the test function it returns all the values correctly, but when I try to send the email using a button in the app, the referenced rows from the other table are missing.

I donโ€™t understand why itโ€™s being referenced perfectly fine when I test the process but not when I trigger it through a button press.

Any help would be appreciated.

1 2 118

Can you send a few screenshots so we can try to help?

Hey Euan_Latimer,

Just wanted to check in on this! Like @1minManager asked, do you have any screenshots so we could try and better help you out?

Have a good one!

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