Reference a value attached to another value based on the value chosen in the app form.


I am trying to figure out if appsheet is able to reference another value's value. I may not be explaining this correctly. I have an asset tracker app I have created for my food manufacturing company. We put food in ovens to cook for about 24 hours. The part of the app in question has to do with removing food from the ovens. 

It goes like this: In order to start a cook, a batch code must be generated. I have set up an "oven" tab that references batch codes. The user has the ability to chose previously generated batch codes because it is a reference column. Once chosen, the user has the ability to choose "IN" or "OUT" in the app portion which stands for in or out of the oven. After that the user chooses a time and references the oven and submits. 

What I want appsheet to do is when a batch code is chosen in the form, I want it to look at the "IN" value of the batch code chosen in real time to see if it has any value before the user has the ability to choose "OUT." 

Is this possible? It may have something to do with the IN function. 

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If you share specifics regarding your tables and columns, likely  someone can provide direct advice. Meanwhile, here are various functionalities that may be relevant.

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