Remove app from marketplace


I've developed several apps in appsheet to automate some internal processes in my organization, nothing official, but useful to streamline data input and avoid errors. One of this app it's a simple inventory app. Today a colleague of mine, working in another area of the company, made me notice while he was scrolling throug google marketplace that the app I created was availabe to install under the "internal apps" (I think the category is the company app). How can I remove it from there since I don't want other people to use it.

Thanks in advance

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Any chance you have set the app as a public sample and its available in your portfolio?

Public sample and team sample are unchecked.



Would you please take a printscreen from the market place where the app is available.

Here it is. Sadly I can't change the language to english so italian it is, The tab is probably something related to company app so it should not be available on the public marketplace.



Hi @Gianlucapozza 

Go to the share option and check the user's permissions and set everyone's permission only to "Use App".


Sadly all users permission are already set to "Use app":



Please check this documentation how to uninstall it..

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