Restrict Table Row Initial View

morning all....     title sounds like - a no brainer,  but i am having a right old nightmare trying to implement what sounds totally do-able.

i have an interactive dashboard.    feeding particular table ROWS in various charts / filtered views.    this all works a treat - well perfectly to be fair.

however,  i have a table report window - this will show about 6 lines of data as per the selected filter. however,  on INITIAL WINDOW LOAD - i would like it to display the top 6 lines of the table ONLY - as it has a summary of all the filtered options.   the interactive dashboard then does all the work of displaying what the user wants next.

so... the table has the top 6 ROWS as an ALL DATA,  the next 6 is option 1, next 6 option 2 ... etc.   this works fine and dandy - just that on initial load the table display ALL ROWS [as expected]... not just the top 6 // and i cannot get what i think i should be using to work....   TOP()     gives me INVALID INPUTS.    with a LIST giving me 'not expected types' y/n.

proper confused over this now....    thankyou all!  *thumbs

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 [key col],
   table[key col],
   [_ROWNUMBER],  // assuming the 6 rows you want are stored at the very beginning
   FALSE          // adjust as necessary

This gives you a yes/no result to remedy the error.

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