Send an Email via Action Button

For starters I apologize if this is more of a rant, but here we go anyway.

I know Appsheet has the option to “Start an email” under actions and I also know it has the option to send an email under workflows, however in that case there needs to be a data change to trigger such workflow. Per the detailed instructions here, using the workflow option would require a CRUD operation against your data table and along with that an additional column in your data table just to check whether or not to execute a workflow. One might say, well that’s simple just add another column in your Spreadsheet, but when working with SQL tables it is actually a little more involved. Frankly, under either circumstance I find it somewhat ridiculous having to add a column to any table just to check if a workflow should be executed.

Could Appsheet please just give us the option to execute a workflow directly from an action button click without depending on changes to the record?

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Thank you! I had not seen this yet as it didn’t pop up during any of my searches. I upvoted on it.

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