Set context sensitive Table view Display Name

I have an inline table shown in a Detail view, the detail view has a header showing the “Name”. All items in the table are “children” of the “Name” record.
When I click on “View” to view the table, I want to have the “Display Name” of the inline table view show:
"My Purpose Table for " & “Name”

Is it impossible to access the parent or the row data in this formula? If not, how can I reference these?

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  • UX

Unfortunately it’s not possible. But as a decent workaround, consider using Group by in your view.
Otherwise you can use another table like explained here:

I am already grouping by something else, can you group by 2 fields which visually display separately?
regarding that posted question, that seems to be the same thing I am asking. the problem I see with that solution is that there could be a race condition on that table entry for multiple users.

my workaround is to add a Name column which is filled with the same name all the way down

Sure, you can group by 2 fields in almost all views:
Regarding the idea of saving user’s view data, there won’t be any race condition, because your App will add/edit one record per user, so there will be no overlaps, as long as AppSheet engine is able to handle correctly the sync when different users write different records to the same table at the same time. Based on the information I have, AppSheet is definitely able to handle such situations.

Happy to hear that you found still another workaround!

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