Sort - Alphabetic case sensitive

New Member

I’m using a deck view and grouping by useremail. I’m also sorting by useremail. I just noticed that the sort is considering the case of the first letter of the email. Am I the only one that would like to see it alphabetized independent of lower or uppercase?

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Create a separate (optionally virtual) column specifically to use as the sorting column. Make its App formula the expression, LOWER([Email]). Sort your deck view by that column instead of the original Email column.

View solution in original post


New Member

Reposting a comment here to see if anyone has a solution to address?

If a user’s email address is the same but for some reason one submission comes in capitalized and the other doens’t, appsheet treats like two different users. Will not group the same emails together.

Create a separate (optionally virtual) column specifically to use as the sorting column. Make its App formula the expression, LOWER([Email]). Sort your deck view by that column instead of the original Email column.

I think it is fairly standard to sort upper vs lower case separately.

What kind of solution are you expecting? If you need “” to be sorted/grouped the same as “”, then it sounds like you’ll need to go through and change all the existing data to match. Also consider adding validation rules, or automation data change actions as necessary to prevent the data from coming through in ways that you don’t want.

The following expressions might help, if you didn’t already know they existed.

New Member

Steve and Marc,

Thank you both for taking the time to respond. I should have thought of using upper/lower in appsheet not just in google sheets!

In the spirit of Christmas… your sharing of knowledge is the gift that keeps on giving! Happy Holidays!

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