Sum or total my items

How do i total these items ( circled in the picture below)? This table changes regularly and i need a way to add them up. The table does not have a column “total” so i will need to do this virtually.

This is the data structure:

0 18 4,209

I’m not sure if I understand your requirement. You need something like this?

Hola Fernando.
Estoy buscando hacer lo de la imagen que posteaste.
Como lo hiciste?

YES! How did you do that?

Try this in the Parent Table

Virtual Column(Assuming your VC Related Refs is named what is being displayed):

SUM(All Branch Totals[DesiredColumnToSum])

i can help you for to do that like this

Ok - i did something wrong:

In @QREW_Cam’s example, he is using a separate table altogether to display the total. Unlike Excel, you can’t (easily) just have a row at the bottom be the total, because we aren’t in a spreadsheet anymore. We’re in a database that just so happens to be stored using spreadsheets. Well, unless you’re a user that is actually working with a database… But that’s not the point.

Back to Cam’s example… he is displaying a parent/child relationship. So you need to put the expression he gave you in a different table that can be the “parent” of yours that you pictured.

Sorry I might be misunderstanding the column structure.

@Tiger Please check this sample app how you can calculate the total in the same table and show it as well. The app name is VirtualCounter.

I tried this and failed. Here is the expression and my table structures:

IF([Category_Code]=“TOTAL”,SUM(SELECT(Utilization Report Totals[Location_Total_Inventory_Count_By_Category],[Category_Code]<>“TOTAL”)),[Location_Total_Inventory_Count_By_Category])

What is error message or warning?

Hi, can I know how you solve the error message when you put in the app formula for the above?

I solved this by setting a formula up in the actual spreadsheet - not the app. So the data gets calculated before hand the i can see it on the app…

Oh I see. Thanks for sharing. I will try that out.

I got this working…


Hi, can I know how you solve the error message when you put in the app formula for the above?

Hi, how to total values automatically if i add new category using enum, i want it to sum automatically every time i add new category and show total in a visual?

Please start a new topic for help with this.

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