Synchronization with Google calendar

Good time everyone.

The AppSheet gives you the opportunity to add Google calendar as a base.
But not all the columns that Google Calendar has can be managed in the appsheet application.
The ability to work with the calendar is a VERY good addition to the appsheet application. But it seems to me that this is not yet a ready-made tool for proper and maximally correct interaction with Google calendar.(as conceived by google developers)

Are the appsheet developers planning to add all the missing Google calendar parameters and columns?

Is there a way now using appsheet to get all the missing columns from the connected Google calendar and be able to work with them?

For example, there are not enough statuses of invited people to the event who have registered in the event, will they, no or maybe.
If we compare the service for example then there they have 23 columns available for transmitting data from the created event. There are only 12 columns available in the appsheet app.
When creating an event from appsheet, there is no way not to create a google meet conference.
Well, or why does appsheet make it possible to create an id key for a Google calendar event, because Google calendar generates its own unique beter id key itself.

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  • UX

Thanks for your question.
Google calendar and Appsheet integration is pretty much limited, so we never used for our prod app pushed to users just because of such a limitation.
Interesting to see how the discussion will grow here in your thread.
My assumption is Appsheet is using Google calendar APIs for integration, where the โ€œAuthโ€ scope is limitting our capabilities. For instance, when other users add new event, it is always registered as the app owner generated such new event instead of app user etc. UI(calendar view) is totally different from Google calendar native etc.

Below are a couple of articles that may provide more info.

I think that these ways of solving the problem, how to describe them like this, are some kind of crutches, not a solution to the problem, yes, the ways may be working, but not quite and not quite as we would like and maybe not as intended in the appsheet application. It would be much easier to add columns that are missing, get event information from Google calendar into these rows, change it using formulas and send it back. Isnโ€™t that how appsheet works? (probably)

I agree.

But I also do not think it is feasible for AppSheet to provide robust UI integration with EVERY service App Creators may want to use in their apps - regardless if its a Google service or not. (Ephasis on UI. Automation is different. Here we are referring to user facing UI concepts)

Could you not just provide a button to navigate to the Google Calendar web site for Event entry? Why replicate, even part of, the Google Calendar UI in AppSheet?

For comparison, we use our Mobile devices everyday to accomplish many different Tasks in many different Apps. I donโ€™t think it is a stretch at all that AppSheet apps do the same. And I donโ€™t think it would be an issue for end users. Tech savvy users are already use to switching between apps.

So, I think it would be MUCH better to focus on seamless (and efficient) navigation to and from AppSheet to Third-Party apps/web sites. E.g. I have seen the little back navigation link in the upper left corner to get back to the previous app.

My idea is that the user uses only Google calendar (I believe that it is impossible to strain the user with other applications, when there have already been working schemes for years, AppSheet in this case acts as an excellent tool for managers of administrators and they need to be used). Google Calendar is a tool for organizing people, when, who, where, and event description. User feedback is a button in the calendar, I will be at this event, or I will not be at this event.
Again, Appsheet is a tool only for the organizer. The first part of the task works, Events are created, but then invited people are marked in the Google calendar, then this cannot be tracked using the appsheet application in any way.
The first method is google sheets and and other services
Another way to learn javascript and start using google script. But this is not a solution to the problem within the appsheet

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