Take picture crash on save (in Mobile app)

I’ve done some digging and come up with nothing. This problem has been reported by several of my users across many of our apps. Below is a report from one of our users:

“Often when I attempt to save an image in any of the apps, the app promptly crashes and forces me to reload. Sometimes it saves the information I have typed into each form, other times I have to completely restart. Sometimes it actually switches which app I’m using without any input from me whatsoever.”

Any thoughts on what is happening or how to fix it?

I have suggested the work around that they take picture of what is needed first and just upload them from there phones to the apps directly. But sometimes it is not convenient or possible for them to do so.

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This is a very broad description of the issue for which there could be many possible problems.

I would first start by looking at the app audit logs to see if any errors are being reported.

Next, It would help us to provide some details what has been implemented in the app around adding these images. Column definition, any Form/data behavior specific to the image, where is the image being stored, etc. Is there anything unique about what you are trying to do in saving the images?

Agreed there are a tone of variables. I figured I’d throw it out there and see if anyone knew of any bugs that I couldn’t find.

At the systems most basic it is a simple app for collecting images. In the case I will present below, the app is a calendar (uses google sheets as a data source). There is a child table which allows users to add images. Here’s a summary of the columns for the image collection in the google sheet and the settings.

REPORTED BY - text - records email
RELATED CAL KEY ID - ref - part of main calendar (google sheet)
DATE - date - records current date
TIME - time - records current time
IMAGE OR FILE - enum - “image” or “file” (options that show or hide the Image / file sections below)
IMAGE - image (standard appsheet image save - nothing fancy)
FILE NAME - text
FILE - file - (standard appsheet file save - nothing fancy)

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Anything that causes the app to crash should be taken to Support. Please contact Support for help with this.


Hi all,

I have a user experiencing the same problem as described. Has someone already found a solution?

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