Third Party Event triggering bot



I have two apps. One that has actions that trigger a bot that sends a products email. This a very big and slow as it uses a products table etc to create the template for the email.  I have another app that has a diary for calling customers. 


Is there a way for the diary app to change the google sheet to trigger sending the products email from the other app. This way the faster app can be used in tandem while the slower app does the work of sending the emails.


I have appsheet events add on for the google sheet and it works if the cell in the sheet is manually changed but not when from another app.


This would make it much easier to prevent apps becoming too big and slow if they can trigger bots in other apps.





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Platinum 4

You could create a table that is shared between the two apps. The diary app could add rows to the shared table to cue emails. The other app could use scheduled bots to look for recently-added rows and respond to them.

Thanks Steve, The two apps share a table but when one updates the sheet it doesn't trigger the other bots. To run it from a schedule it looks like I would have to set up a bot for each time of the day that I want it to look for recently added rows. Even if it was just once an hour I would need approx 8 bots set up to each run on the hour. 


Is that correct?

@Steve wrote:

The other app could use scheduled bots to look for recently-added rows and respond to them.

I though that only changes made through the specific app holding the bot that should be triggered are considered

I believe that because it is a sceduled bot, it is not triggered by the addition of a row but by reading all rows at the specified time and being triggered by the correct data (that now appears) in a row.


I have just tested it and it works. 



Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Phil_Waite wrote:

The two apps share a table but when one updates the sheet it doesn't trigger the other bots.


@Phil_Waite wrote:

To run it from a schedule it looks like I would have to set up a bot for each time of the day that I want it to look for recently added rows. Even if it was just once an hour I would need approx 8 bots set up to each run on the hour. 


Another approach would be to have a bot in the diary app triggered by the row addition that uses a webhook to reach out to the API of the other app to trigger the response. This would be real-time and wouldn't require scheduled bots.

Hi Steve, Can you post a link to the appsheet text showing how to do this. 

I tried using Zapier to use a google sheets trigger from a new row to run an action in my appsheet app but It wouldn't give a list of Apps that I had enabled to then choose the action th run. I think it just kept timing out.

Making it real time would be much better.





Thanks Steve,


The Webhook looks quite complictaed so right now will have to go with the scheduled bots - it would be a lot easier if we could specify how often we want the bot to run rather than a specific time.



What @Steve means is that you can use the AppSheet API by using a Webhook task inside AppSheet so you can call from one app to the other

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