Translate all app definition

Helle everybody, can someone help me please.

I want to translate my app due to the system language of any user. I mean if user 1 system is in english, everything is in english in the app, if user 2 system is in french, eveything is in french.

Is it possible to do that?

Thanks in advance!

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Try to build IFS expressions in UX - LOCALIZE based on useremail() nationality

Hi @diogolupcosta, thank you for you answer, I really appreciate . Thanks a lot. I'll try this method and I'll do a feedback.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Marcel_Duon_Blo 

You will need to use this:


Then use a combination of these two expression in the UX/Localize section USERSETTINGS() and SWITCH():


Aurelien_1-1654606838393.png it all over again for each text you wish to translate ๐Ÿ˜“

Hi @Aurelien , thank you for you answer. I see how close this community is to its members. It is a pleasure for me to have two quick answers. I'm testing both your answers.

Hi @Marcel_Duon_Blo don't forget to also change the Display Name of your columns to match the language settings in your User Settings table.

Also, check out this great post from @Marc_Dillon on using a lookup function with a translation table:


Hello good afternoon, I think so, you should create an Ifs condition, and in Display Name, place it. for example, if you want to translate the field "user"


Language=English, "User",

Language=Spanish, "Usuario"


and so on with all the visible fields you want to translate, and create an initial screen where the user can select the language or at least a menu view

This is the way that occurs to me for now, because you can even have an automatic function but the translator that exists does not guarantee a good translation. Moreover, there are words that you will use that are in context and that the translator will not be able to understand.

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