Trying to drill down and unable to get the second Enum to work?

New Member

Lost 40 hours worth of work and now trying to rebuild and I am unable to get the second Enum to work. In the Column Type. It gives me the list of the next column , but not the choices to choose from. Help

1 7 198

Could you please supply more info and screenshots of your problem thanks.

Thank you very much for your response. Screenshots are somewhat limited. I could send you the URL if youโ€™d like. This is my synopsis. Again, Iโ€™ve lost lots of work and now Iโ€™m trying to rebuild. I have a spreadsheet that has column A B and C. A&B are enum and A enum works good and forwards to B. But B shows a list with its title along with the information for column C. Hope that give you some idea. Iโ€™m new to this and Iโ€™m doing the best I can. Thanks

Im sorry but I still have no idea what you are trying to do. If you would like to make a copy of your app replacing any sensitive data with meaningful dummy data you may share it with me and I will take a look.

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My other account takes a while before I get it. How do I add you ?

I emailed Instructions to your gmail address.

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