Do the USERSETTINGS automatically reset on the device only when the user logs out? What is standard operations?

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I would expect them to reset in any of the following circumstances:

  • Log out of the app.

  • Clear the app cache. User settings will be lost.

  • Clear the app data. User settings will be lost.

  • Switch device user. The new profile will not have the previous user settings. Switching back to the previous user may restore user settings.

  • Reinstall the app. User settings will be lost.

If accessing the app from a browser:

  • Log out of the app.

  • Clear browser cache. User settings will be lost.

  • Clear site data. User settings will be lost.

  • Switch browser profile. The new profile will not have the previous user settings. Switching back to the previous profile may restore user settings.

  • Leave incognito mode. User settings will be lost.

User settings are local to the app user on the device or browser. User settings are not shared between the app and the browser even on the same device. User settings do not follow the user between devices or browsers. User settings set while in incognito mode are lost when incognito mode ends.

Nice n neat reference to have on User settings @Steve. Thank you.

@Steve ever notice that the automation monitor app lets you update a usersetting via row selection action? Any idea how thats happening? ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Hi Jonathan are you saying we can update a USERSETTING with a bit containing an a set
value action? Is this by design or bug?

Thats seemingly what happens in the automation monitor when you switch between apps on the โ€˜Runsโ€™ view. Been that way for a few months now - although Iโ€™m not sure how its happeningโ€ฆ


I have never heard of that!

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