Update virtual column value


I have an issue with a VC. The auto update does not react as expected.

I am working on an inventory management system. I have 2 apps, one for the office, one for the warehouse. I have a "product" table and a VC that calculate the weighted average unit price. This VC is calculating the average price of every inventory movement for the past year wich refer to the product. 

The VC is properly updated within a single app. When I save an inventory movement in my office app, the VC of the related row in the product table is recalculated in the office app. I expect that this same VC in the warehouse app should be recalculated when app sync. But it does not. If I edit and save the "item" row, the VC is updated as expected.

Do I miss something ?




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Don't know if this is the issue but is your Delta Sync setting ON? If so it will affect the VC calculation.



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Don't know if this is the issue but is your Delta Sync setting ON? If so it will affect the VC calculation.



Hi @jyothis_m 

Well done, thanks ! It looks like the solution. I feel that this will cause performance issue on the other side, looks like highgly increasing sync time.


Yes you are correct @CHRISTOPHE_CHAN . Delta sync will significantly reduce sync times. But VC updation will be delayed. You and make an actual column instead of VC in that case. 

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