"Valid If" Issue

Hi team!
I have 3 tables: 
1) Invoices
2) Payment + 3) Child Payment --> Here I put the invoices I am paying (can be severals that is why child table)

Child Payment has a column "Invoice" where I want to select the invoices that have not been paid.

The ISSUE: My validation when I save the child item works OK, but when I save the form, it makes a circular error because the Invoice now appears as "paid"

How can I make this validation work?

select(Facturas de Compra[ID Factura Compra],
and([Proveedor]=[_THISROW].[proveedor],[Titular A/X]=[_THISROW].[Titular],
IF([Tipo de Factura]="id5","2","1")=[_THISROW].[Tipo de Pago A / X],
([Pending to pay USD]+[Pending to pay USD]+[Pending to pay USD])>0

0 6 92

Just curious, why a Parent and Child Payment table?  ๐Ÿ˜†

Because I can pay ore than 1 invoice in a payment event ๐Ÿ™‚

Any ideas? ๐Ÿ™‚ 

I had to disable the Web mode and activa App mode for Web. 
Any chance to inform google this? ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi! Does anyone has an idea on this topic?

Basically, the system refresh the formulas before I Save. 
Maybe you have some workaround.

Thanks to all!

Not sure I fully understand without seeing your tables, but if you only want Invoices that have not been paid, you can create a slice on the invoice table that filters out all paid invoices, and then use that slice as the reference. Your SELECT expression in the validation is quite complex, so it seems like there might be a more straightforward approach. 

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