[Recap] Looker 2024 Vision & Strategy Unveiled: An Exciting Look at the Future of BI

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Community Manager
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Did you miss the Looker 2024 Vision, Strategy, and Roadmap Livestream last week?

No worries! We've got you covered with a recap of the key announcements and highlights from Kate Wright and Sean Zinsmeister's presentation. They unveiled an exciting roadmap packed with innovative features and enhancements aimed at transforming the BI landscape.

Here's what you need to know:
  • Unified Looker Experience: Looker and Looker Studio are merging into a single platform, offering a seamless experience for business users with integrated dashboards and ad-hoc data exploration.
  • Enhanced Looker Studio: Get ready for new capabilities in Studio dashboards, including improved usability, self-service data exploration, and stunning visualizations.
  • Advanced Visualization Editor: This powerful tool gives you more control over Looker visualizations, allowing you to create impactful data stories with ease.
  • Looker Extensions: Expand the possibilities with Looker by adding extensions as dashboard tiles, integrating seamlessly with external applications.
  • Vertex AI Integration: Unlock the power of AI with Looker's integration with Vertex AI, enabling advanced data analysis and automated insights generation.
  • Performance Boost: Looker is getting even faster with improved caching, concurrency management, and admin tools for performance monitoring.
  • Admin Delegation: Streamline workflows and improve efficiency with new permissions that allow administrators to delegate tasks to non-admin users.
Demo Highlights:
  • LookML Assistant: Simplify data modeling with natural language input and get assistance writing LookML code.
  • Visualization Assistant: Configure and customize visualizations effortlessly using natural language, making data storytelling more effective.
  • Vertex AI Extensions: Leverage AI capabilities like natural language query processing and insights generation for deeper data exploration.
Google's Commitment to Looker & this Community:

The Looker team reaffirmed Google's continued investment in the platform as a key driver for Google Cloud. The 2024 roadmap showcases a dedication to continuous innovation and improvement.

🥇 Looker is shaping the future of BI by:
  • Empowering business users with intuitive features and ad-hoc data exploration.
  • Enhancing visualization capabilities for impactful data storytelling.
  • Integrating seamlessly with AI and other tools for advanced data analysis.
📍 Don't miss out!

Watch the replay of the Looker 2024 Vision, Strategy, and Roadmap Livestream on Google Cloud on Air to see the full presentation and live Q&A session.

💡 Share your thoughts!

Which announcements are you most excited about? What questions do you have about the future of Looker?

Drop your questions and feedback in the comments below! 👇

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