Charged Large Amount While On Free Trial on Google Cloud API without notification.

Hi Dear Google Cloud Community Team! Last Year I have signed up for google cloud free trial for 1 year and also been given with 300$ in credit as Google Cloud states officially. It is a very sad story of my life nearly a year ago when i signed up on google cloud . I just deployed a simple crud operations Redis Node JS. API for this repository.

I was on free trial so i thought that 10 to 15 requests is what I can do and i was not aware that Google who actually takes a deep care of his customers will do like this. Like firebase sends notifications for secuurity rules and tells me that this app has this problem like really good company. But you know what Google has made me feel like a very unreliable company recently when i was on trial and just 15 to 20 days would have been passed and i was charged up with 1200$ bill without any notification of my trial period ending. Neither i was notified that where my 300$ credit award has gone nor i was informed about this situation. Its been really frustrating to see that I was a student and had just developed a demo app for learning redis and deployed and api of node js to Google Cloud and it has so much charged just for few days and even then application was not even alive but i just used it for personal learning.

Dear Google Cloud Team I have been contacting you since then and i have sent you email as well. But i didnt any response. Recently I received an email from american company that your Google Cloud transaction and charges are due and they are disturbing me daily about that.

It would be a highly appreciatable act if you would please reply me and solve my case of free trial and please clear it as the app is never used professionally nor I received any notification of my trial ending as it was for years and even i didnt have received any notification of charges being started to apply. Please consider my request.

I have always loved and used and admired Google as a software company. But Please this unpredictable deduction from my bank account and disruption must be stoppped please atleast fulfill your promise of free trial. I have been charged a heavy amount and I am middle class person and just graduated right away now.

Waiting for your response for this case resolution!

Muhammad Bilal

0 3 729

Hi @MuhammadBilal ,

I would suggest to review your billing history by logging in to your Google Cloud Platform account and checking the billing history and understand the charge and the services where you were billed. 

If you suspect that the charge was made in error or if you require further details regarding the billing, get in touch with a Cloud Billing Support. They will assist you in examining the charge and offer directions on how to proceed with the matter.

Hi Marvin Thanks for your reply actually I have deleted those projects which I had been billed off now billing history of my projects isn’t available. Please let me know how can I see billing history and remove my billed charges that were done while I was on free trial

Hello Google Cloud Community,

I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question regarding the integration of my tool-based website with Google Cloud services. I've been exploring ways to optimize my website's performance and enhance user experience, and I believe that leveraging Google Cloud could be a great solution.

My website CGPAConverterWebsite offers variety of solutions for students, and I'm interested in learning how I can take advantage of Google Cloud services to improve its scalability, reliability, and overall performance.

I've done some preliminary research and I'm aware of services like Google App Engine, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Functions. However, I'm not entirely sure which services would be the best fit for my tool-based website. Additionally, I'd appreciate insights on any best practices, potential challenges to watch out for, and tips on optimizing costs.

If any of you have experience with integrating websites or applications with Google Cloud services, I'd love to hear your recommendations and learn from your expertise. It would be immensely helpful to understand how I can make the most of Google Cloud's capabilities to benefit both my users and my business.

Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide. I look forward to your insights and suggestions.

Best regards,