GCP Source Repository missing from All repositories list


My test-repo is missing from All repositories list inside Cloud Source Repository panel, but I can still access it. Why?

This question is also asked here on StackOverflow


  1. I made test-repo
  2. I was able to git clone using CloudSDK, make changes and even push.
  3. When I went back to GCP Console > Cloud Source Repository, the repository did not show up and it showed me a welcome page.
  4. I was still able to git pull.
  5. I was able to access test-repo by going to my Cloud Function which was using the source code from test-repo.
  6. When I made a new temporary repo caleld test2, it showed up under the All Repositories tab.
  7. test-repo is still missing, but it shows up under Recently Viewed and I can access it there.

What is happening here???



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It is now showing `test-repo` on.y

 What is going on here?

I made sure I'm logged onto the same account.
