google shopping search API

Hello Team,

I need help for implementing google cloud API. I need to get search results for a particular shopping tab. 

Is it possible to get search results for particular shopping items from google search APIs?



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I believe that you are seeking technical information to implement Google Shopping Search on your website. I was able to find this link to basic information with quickstarts to get you started. If you require further assistance, please reach out to our programming community on Stackoverflow as this is the best forum to ask programming questions.


Hello Team,

We appreciate your feedback. though we would like to use the google search
API basically shopping tab search API in our application.

Our idea is to use the search tab API from google in which there are
certain items already available uploaded by other vendors so we want that
items to be listed in our database. These items are searched from the
google search engine and result in the shopping tab of google search so we
want to use external items in our database.

I hope I am much clear from the above explanation it would be great if you
could help us out by providing such APIs.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hey Krunal, did you get any response?