Fetch Dashboard Data and ID with Python API

I’m trying to download a dashboard’s data through Python. 

Using Requests, I can generate an access token. 

import requestsdef log_me_in(id, secret, base_url):   payload = {'client_id': id, 'client_secret': secret}   url = base_url + '/login'   r = requests.post(url, data=payload)   # check for successful auth   if r.status_code == 200:      token = r.json()['access_token']      return token   else:      print('Authentication failed')id = "********************"secret = "****************"base_url = "https://mycompany.looker.com:19999/api/3.1"token = log_me_in(id, secret, base_url)print(token)



What code can I use to fetch my dashboard? 

And how can I list my accessible dashboards and their dashboard IDs? 

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