LAMS LookML Linter - Rule Sandbox

From my interactions with the community, I think one of the more appreciated features of the Look At Me Sideways (LAMS) LookML linter is the ability to provide concise custom rules.

However, it’s always been a bit of an arcane art, with very limited tooling, and lots of trial and error. And perhaps more error than not.

Today, that changes! I just released LAMS Rule Sandbox, a single-page app that will let you interactively write and test LAMS custom rules:


If you’re using LAMS, or are interested, give this new tool a spin, and let me know what you think!

(If you’re not yet set up with your own rules, you can load a sample project from the “About” section just to kick the tires.)

PS. I’ve also recently released some other features for LAMS, which you can review in the v2.x release notes.

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