Looker External user id for multiple users


I am planning to embedd looker dashboard for my organization. I need to generate SSO enabled url for this, but I can generate it for only 1 user at a time. How to generate a url for 1000 users, which then filters the data according to each user's roles. 


I have been hunting this for a couple of months now, but can't figure anything. Looker team, support, documentation, forum nothing helps or no one knows. 


Appreciate the efforts if anyone can help. 




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Hi Abhijsrwala, I hope this finds you well!

I have a similar need to what you described.
Let me explain.

I want to publish a Looker dashboard for multiple users in my web application.

However, the panel's publication or incorporation link must only be available to a single user.

How would I authenticate this unique user, directly within the iframe that contains the looker panel?
Have you been successful?

I'm using Looker Studio, in the free version.