None value returned for sql_table_names from API

Hi there,

We are pulling data from the Looker API and typically pull:

Models, then Explores.

I noticed today, when trying to get the `sql_table_name` from the joins (LookmlModelExploreJoins), that all the `sql_table_name`s are ‘None’.  

Example output:

 OrderedDict([('dependent_fields', ['dw_owl.customer_id', '']),
('fields', None),
('foreign_key', None),
('from', None),
('outer_only', None),
('relationship', 'one_to_one'),
('required_joins', None),
('sql_foreign_key', None),
('sql_on', '${dw_owl.customer_id} = ${} '),
('sql_table_name', None),
('type', None),
('view_label', None),
('name', 'customer')]),
['', '']),
('fields', None),
('foreign_key', None),
('from', None),
('outer_only', None),
('relationship', 'one_to_one'),
('required_joins', None),
('sql_foreign_key', None),
('sql_on', '${} = ${} '),
('sql_table_name', None),
('type', 'left_outer'),
('view_label', 'Customer'),
('name', 'customer_dimension')]),
['', 'dim_customers.customer_email']),
('fields', None),
('foreign_key', None),
('from', None),
('outer_only', None),
('relationship', 'many_to_one'),
('required_joins', None),
('sql_foreign_key', None),
'${} = ${dim_customers.customer_email} '),
('sql_table_name', None),
('type', 'left_outer'),
('view_label', 'Customers (New)'),
('name', 'dim_customers')])]

Any help to fix that or another way to get all View sql_table_names would be greatly appreciated.

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