Setting a timeout parameter for the run_look function with the SDK

I am interested in exporting a Look to a CSV file using the Looker SDK with the run_look function. When I use the limit parameter, I receive an error that the read timed out. When I remove the limit parameter, the query works, but defaults to the limit set in the Look.

According to support, the reason the call works without the limit is because the results are already cached. When adding a limit to the query, it has to regenerate the results from the Look taking longer than 10 seconds which is the default timeout value.

Looker Support pointed me towards this article which seemingly allows you to add a timeout parameter to the run_look function, but it does not give enough explanation for this. 

Does anyone know how I can add the timeout parameter to the run_look function?

This is my code snippet so far: 

    contents = sdk.run_look(
look_id = id,
result_format = "csv",
apply_formatting = False,
limit = 100)

And this is the code from the Looker article about using a timeout parameter:

run_inline_query({stuff}, {timeout: 3600}) 

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