Troubleshooting Looker SSO Embed URL Generation

Powered by Looker is a neat way to share data with the world. If you’re interested in creating a proof of concept, I highly recommend checking out this post.

If you’re having issues with your embedded Looks and/or dashboards, making sure the embed URL is properly constructed is a good place to start. Creating an application to write a URL is not something we currently do, but there is some example code here.

The Steps You’ll Take

To check URL construction, I always run through these steps (more on each to later):

  1. Make sure the Look or dashboard exists on the “production” version of your instance
  2. Make sure users are authenticated with the correct permission set
  3. Make sure URL parameters are correctly formed
  4. Confirm that everything is spelled correctly
Handy Tools

To run through these checks, I find it helpful to have a couple of tools easily available:

  • A URL decoder (I use this one, for no particular reason)
  • A URL encoding reference (I use W3Schools, say what you will)
  • Looker logs (if you have access to your instance’s logs, they can provide some helpful error messages)

Check production

If a dashboard or Look does not live on the production version of your instance (outside of developer mode), then you will not be able to get this to work. If you can’t find it, on production, make sure it’s created, saved, committed, and pushed.

Check permissions

A complete walk through of Looker’s permissioning system is outside of the scope of this post, but I highly recommend this document. It’s great. If you’re looking to limit data access, this is a great resource.

Simply put, if a user doesn’t have access and permissions to see the Look, they’ll get a 404. For example, if the embedded user doesn’t have see_lookml_dashboards and the embeded dashboard is a LookML dashboard, we got problems.

Check URL parameters

The API call should produce an encoded URL that takes the form:

We’ll go over each parameter, but the basic form is an address plus key-value pairs containing some information. Decoded, an embed URL should to look like this:"something"&time=some_time_value&session_length=some_other_time_value&external_user_id="an_id"&permissions=["permission_one","permission_two","permission_three"...","permission_n-1","permission_n"]&models=["model_one","model_two","model_three"...","model_n-1","model_n"]&access_filters={"model_one":{"view_name.field_name":"value"},"model_two":{"other_view_name.other_field_name":"other_value"}}&first_name="a_first_name"&last_name="a_last_name"&force_logout_login=true_or_false&signature=some_signature

The address

This should look something like (not decoded)

  • do.main is your Looker instance’s domain
  • item_name_here is the name of your dashboard or Look. A LookML dashboard will be something like dashboards%2Fmodel_name_here%2Fdashboard_name_here and a user-defined dashboard will be something like dashboards%2Fdashboard_number_here%20F

The parameters

  • nonce is a value that identifies this request (16 character hexadecimal string). It shouldn’t be re-used (it’s a single sign-on) and should come from by a secure random number generator.
  • time is a timestamp to identify when the session begins. I don’t believe it allows for decimal values, but I could be mistaken
  • session_length is how long a user should be authenticated (in seconds). Pick something reasonable (no more than 30 days)
  • external_user_id is Looker instance user ID of the user being authenticated
  • permissionsshould be a grouping of Looker permissions. Something like this might work permissions=%5b%22see_user_dashboards%22%2c%22see_lookml_dashboards%22%2c%22access_data%22%2c%22see_looks
  • models is a group of models your user will have access to. Make sure they’re spelled correctly and in quotes. Something like this might work models=%5B%22faa%22%2C%22thelook%22%5D
  • access_filters should be the group of access_filter_fields that are applied to your instance. If you don’t use them, something like this should work access_filters%3D%7B%22faa%22%3A%7B%7D%2C%22thelook%22%3A%7B%7D%7D. If you use them, try this access_filters={"faa":{"aircraft.tail_number":"1"},"thelook":{"users.user_id":"2"}}
  • a_first_name will be the first name of your authenticated Looker user, as displayed in Looker
  • a_last_name will be the last name of your authenticated Looker user, as displayed in Looker
  • force_logout_login determines whether currently logged-in users will be logged out before authentication. I recommend setting this to true, at least for testing purposes
  • some_signature will be generated by your code. It is used by Looker to verify that the secret used to sign the request is valid and that the parameters that are present in the request are identical to those that were signed when the signature was generated.

Check spelling

If anything’s spelled incorrectly, we’ll run into trouble. Typos happen (I type dimesnion more often than I care to admit), so make sure all model names, files, etc. are spelled properly.

Other things to note

  • I’ve seen certain browsers not like %20f and only take %20F as an encoded /
  • You may want to use an encoder reference to make sure you’ve got your /s, {s, and company straight
  • Note a lack of spaces between decoded parameters
  • I don’t believe that the string to sign should have a https://

Version note

This was written and tested on Looker release 3.20.

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