what is Workspace_id on looker api

Hello, I have been trying to run the following script: https://github.com/looker-open-source/sdk-codegen/blob/2330eef43ed80eff1f3b47eac6b645ab581f2694/exam...

After removing the transport_options parameter I made it work, but I have a question regarding the "dev” workspace


I can see on the link above that there are the prod and dev workspaces, but what do we mean by that? Is it checking master vs all the other branches? I want to integrate this script in a jenkins pipeline for each PR, but it only uses the "workspace” variable, not a specific branch

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In development mode, everything you do in Looker runs against a different git branch of the LookML files for the projects. So you can switch to dev mode, modify the LookML, then run your explores, looks, and dashboards with the changes. If the changes are good you can commit those changes and push them to production for everyone.

While in dev mode, your projects default to your own personal git branch, but you can change the git branch to another shared branch.

Certain API calls, for example creating a new project, changing the git branch, and configuring the git connection, can only be done in development mode.

For an example, look at the API call update_git_branch: https://developers.looker.com/api/explorer/4.0/methods/Project/update_git_branch

Many of the API calls organized under "Project" require dev mode.