AppSheet Office Hours: App Lifecycle Management

Published on ‎06-27-2022 12:06 PM by Community Manager | Updated on ‎06-27-2022 12:08 PM

As app creators, it’s important to consider the entire lifecycle of an application to ensure continuous app performance, security, and value. However, app lifecycle management can seem daunting for even the most experienced app creators. 

Join us for AppSheet Office Hours on August 4th, where our experts will share best practices and recommendations for managing your apps from idea to impact, including:

  • The key stages of app lifecycle management
  • Managing end users and app collaborators
  • Managing app versions and upgrades
  • …and more!

As always, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions (even if they’re not directly related to the session topic) and receive answers live from AppSheet experts. Pro tip: the best way to get your questions answered is by adding them in advance to the comments section below!

With this series of AppSheet Office Hours, it’s our goal to provide a trusted space where you can receive support and guidance along your app creation journey. We hope to see you there!

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Thu, Aug 4, 2022 11:00 AM PDT
Thu, Aug 4, 2022 12:00 PM PDT
Silver 5
Silver 5


Has this Recap post been published yet?

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

My company uses AppSheet as a way to management the maintenance needs of a fleet of rental yachts. In this system, I built a "boat down" feature that broadcasts alerts to the necessary staff about emergency maintenance needs for specific yachts. Subsequentially, there is an identical "boat live" feature that broadcasts alerts once the yacht is suitable for operation. 

In this system, there is a table "fleet view" that lists all of the yachts in the fleet. This table is also linked to other tables that track work orders & other yacht specific information. 

It would be great to have a feature that when a "boat down" form is submitted, that related yacht's text in the "fleet view" turns red - then when the "boat live" form is submitted, the text returns to the default color. Is this possible?

Yes it is possible. I can tell you much right now. I'm on my phone but will
tell you how to do it when I am in front of my server.
Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I get the same thing. It's really caused me to keep digging deeper and find the answers my self which usually turns out to be a far more valuable lesson.  


I'm not sure it's intentional or not. But it's definitely been the best raining I've had so far 

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

@cschalk_ws Christian since you are on the inside at Google, perhaps you can tell someone there are AppSheet customers needing to speak to AppSheet Sales that are having trouble getting through to someone?


Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Yep, have emailed that address directly.

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

You have to remember that those features are all available when your apps are in DEMO mode and the Deployment Check let's you see if your current version can handle the features you've added or you need to upgrade.

From that perspective being able to see the potential of where the app can go helps a lot.

Again the point of no-code is often to be a STARTING POINT for developing software that has full-code and low-code in its development feature. Depending on how important the AppSheet app(s) are to the ORG that is using it / depending on how much revenue the prototype generates, upgrading to Enterprise is no big deal. It's just an email away. 

Our AppSheet prototype helped us generate A LOT of revenue very quickly and then the money to upgrade/extend AppSheet with low and full-code became available to us within MONTHS.  AppSheet was not the permanent solution for us, but it got us 75% there in months not years or decades. That extra revenue helped us secure credit, investors, etc. and created money to hire coders. 

And me, crying bc it took a single quick search and those were results just from the first page.

I'm still waiting. My latest attempts have been to talk directly to Google Cloud support representatives. One reliably emails me every 3 days to say "Thank you for patiently waiting. Apologies for the delay. I’m still waiting for an update from the specialized team".

@MultiTech this happens at every low-code/no-code company we work with! I have had Salesforce Certified Partners who build 1000's of apps on Salesforce every year tell me they get terrible sales support. 

I can show you an email exchange between and I where I asked them about a core feature (send and received emails within a Bubble app) and they said they didn't know and referred me to the community where no one had posted on it since 2019. 

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I'll be honest, I found today's event a little frustrating as many of the versioning and monitoring features being discussed are only available on the Enterprise Plan. As a Core user, it's confusing to see Enterprise features in my UI that APPEAR to be functional, but don't actually do anything because I am not an Enterprise user.

For example, I can click the button to set a new stable version, and when adding users I can set them to view the stable version, but apparently, neither of these are actually doing anything because I am a Core user.

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Watch this video if you are calling an AppScript app.

If it's another platform connect via API/Webhook. Or even connect it to another another app that has CRUD permission in your app (i.e. connect AppSheet to Quickbooks and then if you app is connected to Quickbooks then that call will edit data or trigger workflows in your own app). 


Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Buen dia, que opciones ofrece App Sheet para integrar las apps creadas con aplicaciones creadas desde cero?

Hi, what options offers App Sheet to integrate their apps with custom from-zero-developed apps?

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

I am looking for getting formally trained in AppSheet.  Is there anyone who provides training?

There are lots of self-serve resources, including AppSheet's own Get started with AppSheet - AppSheet Help.

Also, check out additional offerings from:

@dbaum  *fist bump*

I'll throw this here for anyone that's interested, I've got an open calendar for people to schedule a time if they want to