I see this on looker website. Is it available? Where?

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Hi Kirtan,

My guess is that is a simple dashboard formatted as report with text tiles (probably using liquid)?

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for our May 16th office hours in New York and San Francisco! We were thrilled to have you with us to dive into the depths of Liquid, and look at the possibilities around linking, conditional filtering, and visual customization! You can find the material covered in the workshop in the zipped slide deck below. Workshop_ Customization with Liquid.pdf (905.6 KB)

New Member

Thanks, David. I think this is supposed to be a new Viz / dashboard type. I hope it’s not what you are saying.

@kde’s right, although that’s an awesome idea @David_P1 and I’d love to see it come to life 🙂

This thumbnail shows something we pursued internally, but ultimately did not put on the roadmap for launch. The text, “Enrich analyses with a completely reimagined dynamic dashboard experience.” is likely referring to Dashboards (Beta).
I just gave a nudge to the engineer who built it, because I can see something like that maybe working via an extension.

That thumbnail is a bit misleading (but really cool!). I’ll reach out to our website team to change it.

This kind of visualizations was presented at the last Join and should come this year.

For us this would be a very important feature.

New Member

We absolutely want this feature. The infrastructure is already there. The API architecture for embed can definitely support this feature.

New Member

Yes, this was announced at Join as part of Looker 7. @izzymiller seems to be saying that it is no longer planned as part of Looker 7. Can you confirm?

Hmm, you seem to be correct, but this isn’t ringing any bells for me.

I’ll find someone from our Product team who knows and have them weigh in.

You could build something like this as an entirely custom app within the extension framework, to @kde’s point. The extension framework and APIs give you all the tools you’d need to build a page in Looker that looks like that.

New Member

@izzymiller great to know that my point made sense. 😉 However, in this case, I’d prefer to be corrected by someone pointing me to an existing, out of the box, viz/dash type that supports this.

New Member

If you need your memory jogging, the feature is demo’ed in the Looker 7 Webinar at 08:35

It would be a real shame if this isn’t on the roadmap as an out the box feature.

Thanks all for keeping me honest and letting me know that I was off-target with my first reply! And thanks @ed_c1, that video was actually what sparked my “Hmm” above. I’ve done some research:

Building this feature (we’re calling it “Documents” for now) is still on the roadmap in the sense that we really want to build it. This year, though, we pivoted slightly and are focused on increasing customization for the new Dashboards (beta) instead, so I don’t expect to see progress on this entirely new Documents type in 2020. We want to get Dashboards looking really great and make sure that cross-filtering (a long-standing request!) is done before going down this road.

The PM in charge of this area is OOO right now but will weigh in with the full official details next week. There might be some facts I’ve left out or flubbed in the paragraph above that they’ll correct.

I’m actually excited by this news, since I’m coming from the opposite side of not expecting this to ever be a thing and learning that it might be from you all! But I fully understand your perspective of seeing something announced at JOIN, and now hearing that it’s not planned to be released on the expected timeline.

I’m sorry for the poorly set expectations. We really want to build this feature and think it’s super cool, but have to eat our dinner before dessert— We realized we still had work to do on more standard and business critical dashboard functionality that must be done before branching out.

As always, feedback and questions are welcome, but I’m going to bow out of this one in favor of the Product Manager. So if you ask questions here, the PM will drop in and answer them next week 🙇 .

Is there a roadmap of features that are coming for the beta dashboards? I’m really excited for these and it would be very helpful to know what is coming in terms of customization.

+1 for this screenshot and “document style” dashboarding with live inline data points.

I forgot how excited I was when I saw this in the Looker 7 webinar

Hey all,

Great to hear you are as excited for this feature as we are! New document and dashboard types such as this are still very much in our plans, but unfortunately the timing of it did get shuffled around a bit due to roadmap changes resulting from covid. Like Izzy mentioned, we’re first focusing on launching crossfiltering and getting the new dashboards into tiptop shape so that we can take them out of beta in the next couple of releases. Document types is something we’re anticipating picking up early next year - and while we gear up for that project we’d love to capture as much feedback and use cases from you all as we can! Please keep the comments coming and tell us how you would like to use document-style dashboards.


It’s not exactly the same thing as the Document Editor, but I use a Single Value viz with some HTML and Liquid to accomplish something similar!

Dymanic Dash Summary

Here is a snippet of the LookML:

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