KPI Rendering on a laptop

We have a customer who uses a laptop only.  They have closed the Looker side bar and have changed their Zoom to 90% but there KPI’s are not rendering correctly.   Also, this is a table calculation so this cannot me done in the LookML as far as the font size and there is not a font option on a single value viz.

Any thoughts or solutions for this?

Same Dashboard on my personal laptop

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I think the only thing you can do is to increase the tile size - with the new dashboards, there is still something weird going on with single tile values. I would give the tile more space and check if rendering improves

Yea, we will end up doing that.  It’s just odd that it renders fine on mine and not theirs.  Thanks for the quick response.

Does it behave the same if they put zoom at 100%? This is usually the first thing I tell people to do before oepning any Dashboards

I think that’s where they started and then tried to make the change the Zoom level to make the viz smaller.

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