Ability to upload table definitions, and column settings, as json files or yaml file

The amount of time it takes to change table settings, column valid if formulas, show if, etc… is so frustrating. It would be easier to define the setting in a json format and upload.

Status Not Planned
0 23 1,087
Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

This google sheet comment JSON stuff will auto-populate if you use the Google Form to Appsheet conversion tool, if you need that for examples. That is unless they stopped doing that, been a long time since I used it.

It’ll update when you do a regeneration on the table, which will also wipe out any setting edits that you made in the editor that aren’t reflected in those cell notes.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

@LeventK @GreenFlux

Hi guys! Sorry to jump into an old thread, but this has already addressed 99% of what I’m looking for…

Using the ‘note’ feature in Google Sheets is about to be a lifesaver for me as I need to duplicate an app for about 20 different clients. Manually setting so many complex column structures is a nightmare!

I have made this work for a number of different attributes EXCEPT column formulas. This is where I’m stuck:

“AppFormula”:“LOOKUP( [Email Address], “Subs_Jojo_Roster”, “email”, “Target TRAINING Carbs” )”

The settings for IsRequired and Type will translate to AppSheet correctly, but I cannot get “AppFormula” to generate. I’ve tried several variations with no luck

Could you provide any insight here? Save me 40 hours of time lol
Thank you all so much in advance!

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Your inner quotes are breaking the outer quote of the JSON string, and creating an invalid JSON object.

Try changing all inner double quotes to single quotes (the top arrows).

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

@LeventK @GreenFlux

You got me very excited, but no luck… The whole string still just shows up in the Description field. Regeneration doesn’t manipulate the column structure at all once the line for “AppFormula” is added in the mix.

Any other thoughts? This seems like it could be such a powerful tool

Silver 1
Silver 1

Here is a feature request for a simple but powerful solution to upload column settings and much more, using json files. Hopefully in the future this will be implemented in AppSheet.

Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Not Planned
Community Manager
Community Manager

There are some unofficial workarounds for this, but I get your frustration. There isn't a fully supported solution planned in the near term, but the team is thinking through ways to address the functionality need.