Audit Log to sort by When

It would be really helpful if the lines presented in the Audit Log were sorted by the When column. In my case the When time corresponds to when the event actually happened in sequence. Sorting by the When column would allow me to troubleshoot faster and not have to mentally rearrange the lines.

This should be a simple insertion sort operation on the list with a sliding window if needed for optimization.

(I searched for this issue/request but couldn’t find it, apologies if it is a duplicate)

Status Open
3 18 290
Gold 4
Gold 4

Indeed - and I think it’s a sliding scale based on your “role” or whatever in the community. (I’m a member, I have more - I think.)

Silver 1
Silver 1

weird, I am a noob and I have now voted for 5 features. 4 of them are my own, so maybe your own don’t count against the limit?

Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager