Background Variable Table

There are many times when I would love the ability to store a temporary variable somewhere for use during a specific process - like running a report, filtering data using an in-app filtering system, changing a ref connection for a group of records from one parent to another (migrating records), etc.

Currently their are two methods to accomplish something like this:

  1. UserSettings
  2. Create a table/use a column

Method #1

The problem with the first is that any changes to UserSettings requires a re-sync of the app - so for any process that needs to be speedy, this is a no-go.

Method #2

The problem with the second is that you now have an abundance of sync-calls being made to the server: one to set the variable, one to clear it, and possibly another for each alteration.

All of these syncs don’t need to be saved, don’t need to be pushed to the cloud - they’re only for use inside the app that’s using them - in fact everything will be reset to blank once the process is complete.

What I really need is another table that’s similar to the UserSettings - in the way that it’s a table that lives on the device with no corresponding cloud equivalent - but that doesn’t require a re-sync whenever changes are made to it, and one that we can update using Actions.

As always, thanks for considering!

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Status changed to: Planned
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Status changed to: Under Review
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Silver 5

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

What if the AppSettings table idea could be modified to have a Global and Local flavor of settings values?

Global means for all users of the app. Value included in Sync.
Local meaning just for the device. Value NOT included in Sync.

Brilliant Concept with Multifold Benefits to Reduce Synchronization Burden for Data Updates on Every Click in Certain Views.