Custom Sort the results of a Group By Function (Currently just defaults to alphabetical)

AppSheet has the ability to ‘sort by’ table data, and ‘group by’ table data. BUT, you don’t have the ability to sort how the ‘group by’ data is displayed. The system automatically sorts alphabetically based on the text in the group by data. Would love to have a ‘Sort By of Group By’, or Make the ‘group by’ function have to follow the ‘sort by’ parameters, not just default to alphabetically. I hope that makes sense.

Status Open
13 5 583
Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I really hope the team can take this request into consideration!

New Member

we really need this

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Agreed, seems very straight forward to add this feature.

Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Without this feature, the only solution is to add a sorting prefix to the column being grouped by. It works, but looks extremely unprofessional. This feature is a must. There's already a dropdown to choose ascending/descending. Just add an option for "other" and then have the user put in their own formula. ORDERBY() was made for this. Just let us use it.