Forms on Dashboard View

It would be great if you can add a feature that will enable a create/update form in the dashboard view. This will greatly help the user for multitasking and will help developers to make a more efficient dashboard.

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New Member

Can anyone give an explanation why this isn’t available? I’m not trying to be a smarta$$, just wondering what in the logic prevents it. Dashboard is view only for some reason? Thanks!

New Member


Not sure if this is something that will help,

I have it setup in such a way the user can enable/disable quick edits.
You could add actions to add new rows to this table… etc. Than the user just needs to quick edit the form.

Could also have quick edits possible for initial rows via variables etc.


There’s no fundamental reason why a form shouldn’t live in a dashboard.

There’s some practical limitation arising from the implementation of forms that prevented this from happening. We also had in our heads the notion that dashboards would primarily be used for read-only “dashboards”. Which I suppose is somewhat true but somewhat not true in practice. In a lot of full-screen desktop environments, a dashboard view is really a multi-step drilldown view and it makes sense for one of levels in the drilldown to be a form.

There’s an upgrade planned for the dashboard view this year. We’ll try to roll this requirement into that.

New Member

Hi @jonathon_s, how did you set up quick edit for this - I can only see it for tables? This could be exactly what I need and make a lot of users happy!!

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

New Member

Thank @Steve
Can you confirm that there’s no way to turn off the storage of ‘Quick Edits’ until it’s saved? Another post (Improve the Speed of Syncs with Data Updates | AppSheet Help Center) says as much For example, if three different column values of the same row are modified using Quick Edit, this creates three different updates. However, using a form to edit the row and make all three changes produces just a single update.


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

In a detail view, a Quick Edit column’s value is saved as soon as the focus leaves the input field, so as soon as you tap on a different field or even just tap outside the Quick Edit field in a detail view. There’s no way to change this behavior of Quick Edit fields.

New Member

Hi @Steve
Just want some more clarification on this. How come this isn’t reflected in the performance profile? Why can I cancel the quick edit and the changes revert?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

My statement was prefaced with:

I’m guessing you’re referring to a table view, which behaves differently.

New Member

@Steve apologies.

Could you explain how tables behave differently then? I get serious lag time updating a column and moving to the next or away from the column.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Honestly, I have no experience with Quick Edit in table views, so I have no insight to share about them. The behavior you describe could very well be a bug with AppSheet, so you may want to engage for help.

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

For example used a dashboard to scan in form of a barcode and down can see in detail view the list of what I’m scanning. thus I keep continuous scans and can see the group of scan

I believe that is very necessary.

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

About this finally found a solution.
to verify where must be located each skid I use a virtual column with this formula in initial value:

so when scan this column contains information about the carrier:
also add two more columns where I add the information of the load and carrier number that I just scanned previously, so I can also verify the last thing I scan.
this is the formula that add in Initial value:

in this way the scanning is not slowed down, the only thing I have not been able to achieve is that after scanning I do not have to click on the scanning field again.

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Community Manager
Bronze 1
Bronze 1


To create/update form in the dashboard view, I did like this( I think it isn't perfect, but it work):


1st step: Make deck view and enable "Show action bar", then add "Add" to  "Actions" (to create  a new form) or add "Edit" to "Actions"( to update a existing form).




2nd step: Make dashboard view and add views you made at "1st step"  to "View entries" , and other views you want to view.


At all, you can view any "view" and create/update form to tap "+" button/pencil button.
