Simplify automations (kind of.. I don't know)

I appreciate how generalized the new automations are - you can do A LOT with the new structure of bots, events, processes, steps, tasks, actions. Truly designed by software engineers

However, sometimes it feels like Russian Doll. Let’s say you just want to change the value of a of column in a row when it is first added. You have to create a bot, that calls a process, which has a step, that calls a task, that calls an action. And you have to give each one a name! It can be awkward and clumsy.

Maybe if there was some kind of way to create simple bots that didn’t have the Russian Doll effect. I don’t know…that might be really hard to support along with normal bots.

Maybe we just have to get over the learning curve…it’s just a lot for simple bots and it is difficult to keep track of all the names.

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