How to change the gmail signature

Good afternoon. I need help to run a Python program. I'm creating a Python code to update the gmail signature of all users in my domain using the Gmail API. I'm using a service account to fetch user data from a spreadsheet via Google Sheets and to modify the user's signature. So far, I'm able to get the service account to access the spreadsheet, but when I try to change another user's signature, the following error occurs:

""Not Authorized to access this resource/api". Details: "[{'message': 'Not Authorized to access this resource/api', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'forbidden'}]">"

What is necessary to perform the modification?"
The following snippet modifies the signature:

service.users().update(userKey=email, body=body).execute()
print(f"Email signature updated for {email}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error updating email signature for {email}: {str(e)}")

break # Exit the loop after finding the requested user

print("Process completed.")


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