Lectures on Public Clouds

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Some time ago I've decided to prepare a course on Public Clouds for University I'm working on. I've also decided to publish them upfront to get feedback, corrections etc.


I've shared first 4 lectures in this community before and got a lot of useful feedback. 


Hope I won't bother you too much with sharing and asking you feedback on Part 5: https://medium.com/gdgeurope/intro-into-the-clouds-part-5-cloud-storage-690da5ff570e 🙂


Always appreciate your feedback!

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I enjoyed reading it. Good job in writing detailed parts to the component.

If you have plans to write further on Google Cloud Storage, you can cover the cost difference between the different storage access tiers (Standard, Nearline, Coldline, Archive). Companies end up spending a lot because of incorrect storage access tier, and also choosing incorrect regions (network and data transfer cost increases). Thanks for sharing!