Uploading large number of files from computer to bucket never finishes

I am trying to upload a large number of files from my computer to a particular bucket. The tab gets stuck with lots of "Wait" pop-up windows and the uploading never completes except for a few files.  Please help!

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How long have you waited? And how many files are you uploading?

Currently I am uploading about 21,000 to test it but in the future I will be uploading way more than that. I waited for a whole day. The "Wait" or "Close tab" pops up all the time and it never finishes. Of the 21,000 files, it uploaded about 10 of them.

Please try to do this with the Storage Transfer Service.  The Upload UI is not a good way to handle this many files.  It's a bit more set up, but will scale well.  This is the documentation to get started.  You will install an "agent" on your machine which will then allow you to manage your uploads. 


When I clicked on transfer_service_default I got this error. I tried it on an incognito window with the same results.



I got the transferred created, how do I start it?


You go to create transfer and set your source to a file system, then select the agent pool you've created. 

Why is the volume being duplicated like E:\Brasil? I get this error when trying to install the agent.

docker: Error response from daemon: invalid volume specification: 'E:\Brasil:E:\Brasil'.



Apologies for the late response as I was out of office.

After collaborating with the Cloud Storage Specialists regarding this concern we determined that the Storage Transfer Service agent requires:
A Docker -supported 64-bit Linux server or virtual machine that can access the data you plan to transfer. Docker Community Edition , supports CentOs, Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu operating systems. You can check the full system requirement[1] here. 

The command I provided you in my previous email requires that your drive be mounted in a Linux system before anything else.

On the other hand,  would you be open to trying out the gcloud command to transfer your files?

Please have a look at this command and see how this works out for you.  This command  will let you upload your entire directory tree from your local directory.

gcloud storage cp --recursive dir 

To make it possible to upload your files from your Cloud Storage bucket from your local machine, you need to install Cloud CLI on your local machine by following this documentation [2] . If you have already installed and accessed the Cloud CLI, the next step was to initialize [3] and authorize [4] the Cloud CLI to access Google Cloud.

This is the response from Google support. I don't think they know what they are talking about. They want me to transfer the files from Linux to Bucket. That's not what I want. I want to transfer from my computer to Bucket. I am paying for the support and don't seem to get any.