♥️ Happy Valentine's Day!!! ♥️

Hey there! 

Happy Valentines Day to all those celebrating! ♥️♥️

If you haven't already, join our pals, Pup and Kit this February, as they brew up a new adventure at the Arcade Carnival. Assist them in plotting their route, discovering prime shopping spots, capturing some happy moments, and more! 

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As the cherry on top, earn a prestigious Google Cloud Badge and a couple of Arcade Points that can help you claim Google Cloud Swags of your choice!

Hurry only a few thousands seats remaining to earn 2 Arcade points! 

Grab a mask today. 🎭

But before that you can claim a special Valentine's Day Gift!
All you have to do is just compose a poem about your Arcade Experience and 3 lucky winners will get 25 GCSB credits worth $25!

I'll go first!

Cloud challenges, skills bright,
Quests and badges, knowledge light.
Up your skills, level by level,
Arcade beckons, new swags unravel.

Your turn! 🙂

All the best and See you at the Arcade Carnival!!

11 16 3,667

Pup and Kit going to the Arcade Carnival,
Big Querying datasets while packing their bags,
Guided by maps and translating text written by animals,
Pup going retail to buy Kit some new swags,
Their selfie memories classified and detected in ways optimal.

In a cozy nook where adventures brew,
Kit packs bags, while Pup's on the computer, too.
"OK Google," Pup barks with a grin,
"Take us to the Carnival, let the fun begin!"

Across the digital map, they find their way,
No corner of the world too far to stray.
With excitement bubbling, they set off to roam,
To the Carnival, where joy finds its home.

Retail therapy's next on their list,
Pup wants a gift for Kit, too sweet to resist.
Through aisles they wander, under bright lights' gleam,
Finding the perfect present, as if in a dream.

Say cheese, it's time for memories to make,
Their moments at the Carnival, none can fake.
With a click and a flash, a picture they take,
A memory forever, for friendship's sake.

So here's to Pup and Kit, may their adventures never end,
Around every corner, may a new joy bend.
With hearts full of love and paws ready to explore,
May they find what they're looking for and so much more.

API calls, like whispers in the night,😘

Google Cloud, our love takes flight.😅

BigQuery queries, dancing in the breeze,💃

Kiss me close, your eyes on GCP, please🤪


In the cloud so high, where servers soar,☺

Compute Engine's power, we adore.😊

Let's deploy together, in the virtual sky,🥰

Instance by instance, let our data fly.😇


Networking connections, like threads in our hearts,😗

Cloud SQL transactions, a symphony that imparts.🤯

TensorFlow models predicting our fate,🙃

In the cloud's embrace, let's elevate.😅

Kiss me close, your eyes on GCP, please🤪


In the digital realm where clouds a mass,

Challenges rise, skills steadfast. 😍

Quests and badges, a radiant sight,😘

Knowledge gleams, casting its light.🤑


Ascend your skills, level by level,☺️

In the arcade's realm, secrets revel.😗

New swags unravel, a digital dance,🤗

A journey of learning, a vibrant trance.🤫

Earn a swags,  when completed the level 

Have faith you too can win swags  🤠😎


Compute Engine roars, a virtual beast, BigQuery whispers secrets of the feast.

Cloud Storage holds a boundless sea, Of data flowing, wild and free.

App Engine hums, a serverless hive, Cloud Functions flit, ideas alive. Kubernetes,

the maestro's hand, Conducts containers, across the land.

Vertex AI, a mind unfurled, Machine learning magic, in a new world.

Maps Platform unfolds, a vibrant view, Guiding footsteps, ever true.

Cloud Spanner bridges, near and far, Connecting databases, like guiding stars.

Apigee sings, a symphony sweet, APIs dancing, light on their feet.

So join the chorus, in Google's cloud, Where innovation sings, forever loud.

Exited before, page loading
Ready after, "Coming soon..." gone
Relief after, green tick got
Afraid before, badge showing or not
Collect before, game over
Redeem before, out of stock
Happiness after, skills and swags.


In the realm of search, where queries flow,
Google Arcade, a digital show.
Not pixels and joysticks, but data streams,
A virtual playground of information dreams.

Type in a quest, a keyword parade,
Through the vast web, a search is made.
Algorithms dance, in a coded ballet,
Sorting through data, night and day.

In the Arcade of Google, knowledge unfurls,
A plethora of answers, like digital pearls.
Web pages shimmer, like distant stars,
A universe of information, without bars.

Images cascade, like a visual tide,
In this virtual realm, where facts abide.
Maps unfold, as landscapes unroll,
A global adventure for every soul.

YouTube's stage, a video parade,
A multimedia feast in the Google Arcade.
From tutorials to tales untold,
A kaleidoscope of stories to behold.

Gmail messages, like letters in flight,
In this digital realm, where words take flight.
Email threads, a conversation's dance,
In the Google Arcade, where connections enhance.

Chrome browser, a gateway wide,
To traverse the web, with every stride.
Tabs and bookmarks, a personalized quest,
In this browser's realm, where users invest.

Analytics, Sheets, Docs, and Drive,
In the Google Arcade, productivity thrives.
Collaboration in a cloud-kissed space,
Efficiency and innovation interlace.

In the Google Arcade, where data sings,
A symphony of information, limitless wings.
A digital Odyssey, through the online sea,
In this vast playground, where I roam free.


In Google's Cloud, where dreams take flight,

Arcade's playground gleams in digital light.

With code as our brush and servers as our stage,

We dance through the clouds in a joyous rage.

From APIs to databases, we explore with glee,

In this wondrous world where creativity runs free.

In Google's Cloud Arcade, laughter rings true,

As we code, play, and discover, all anew.



Cloud cloud it's all cloud nowadays
Google helping us to learn them, but that's not all
It's full of surprises, never a waste of time
Much much bringing me knowledge and fun

Never done a poem before. Wrote my own one 'cause I've found AI generations boring somehow. Happy valentine for y'all, not for me 😐 Maybe next year?

In code and companionship, Pup and Kit plot,

Predicting fares and skies in their loving lot.

Through maps they wend to the Carnival's heart,

Seeking gifts, translating affection into art.

In pixels and memories, their bond is caught.

In Google's Cloud Arcade, Couple and Small roam, Through circuits and codes, they make their home. With paws and wits, they conquer each quest, In bytes and bits, their friendship's the best.

Just for the sake of fun, I asked Google AI Studio using its default parameters to write a five line poem similar to the one I wrote earlier based on @Yugali's post above. This was what I got as a result:

Love's in the air, Valentine's bright,

Pup and Kit lead us through the night.

Arcade Carnival, a festive spree,

Happy moments, prizes decree.

With badges and points, the day's complete.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

In the realm of Google Cloud, where challenges await,

Skills shine bright, as you navigate your fate.

Quests and badges mark your journey's flight,

Knowledge ignites, casting shadows to light.

Up your skills, climb the levels high,

In the Arcade of Cloud, where dreams defy.

New swags unravel, like treasures untold,

In the world of Google Cloud, where victories unfold.

Thank You 😊


In the Arcade's realm, where minds excel.

Challenges faced, and victories won,

In the quest for knowledge, we are one.


From code to art, and everything between,

In this digital world, where learning's seen.

With each level climbed, and badge earned,

Our passion for growth, forever burned.


So let us embark on this journey grand,

In the Arcade's embrace, hand in hand.

For in the realm of ones and zeroes,

We find our humanity, and all its heroes.

I love code
An afterthought of an epiphany
A love of labor,
It is imperfect harmony

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