Beta: Google Cloud Certified - Cloud Digital Leader Certificate not issued

I passed the Beta: Google Cloud Certified - Cloud Digital Leader examination that I have written on 18th February. But I haven't been given an update on when I will be receiving the certificate. I request you to give me an update on it.

Thank You


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Thanks for the replies guys!! Got my certificate today!! 😀

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The beta exam info stated that the result would be published in the second half of March. So, have a bit more patience.

The webassessor portal has indeed been updated to show a pass .  It was showing n/a up until recently.  Therefore, I guess that is a good indication of a result.   

However, no update on or (where I have other google certificates .)  Too early to think about as Janusz said.

I have just checked my account, too, and the result is "Pass" as well. The time to celebrate comes early 🙂

Thank you for the info, I have the mark Pass too.

I have also not received any update but as @janusz_szpilews said let's wait till the second half of March.

In the second half of March, the certificates should be delivered but you can already check your Webassesor account to see the exam status.

I have just received my certificate!

Yup me too 😃

Congrats to all who participated!

Hi All

Today I got the result of the GCP cloud digital leader beta exam and I passed.


Congrats 😀

Thanks for the replies guys!! Got my certificate today!! 😀

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