Learn to Earn Cloud Data Challenge: Tea break!

Hello everyone!

You may have noticed, we are currently experiencing a service disruption. I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience. Our team has been working on changes, but we need a little more time to catch up. So for now, we are pausing the Learn to Earn Cloud Challenge. We plan to resume play July 13, 2022.

But what about earning badges and prizes? 

Good question - when we resume play, you’ll notice additional time available on game tracks. We’ll make updates next week. If you’ve already earned enough badges to be eligible for a prize - great work by the way - you’ll receive a prize email at the conclusion of the challenge (no change). 

But what do you mean, tea break? 

Taking breaks is good for you. Plus it’s an opportunity for more games (and prizes) - outside of a lab manual! Let’s kick off with today’s tea break topic: mentorship. 

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen to, and a push in the right direction.” — John CrosbyMentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen to, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby

We all need mentors to support us and give us that extra nudge towards opportunity. And it has been amazing to see mentorship happening here, as you all support each other with lab tricks, debugging, credits, and knowledge sharing.

So today, let’s celebrate mentors in this community. Folks who have been answering questions on Learn to Earn (and other programs), pointed to resources, and shared their experience.

Nominate someone who has helped you

Here’s how to participate:

  1. Comment below and tag someone (a community member!) who has helped you over the course of this challenge. Or another challenge! We’re not picky! 
  2. They’ll need to have a GCC account so you can tag them. 
  3. Was your nominee already added by someone else? Upvote them! 

On Monday, we’ll select 5 GCC users (based on comments and GCC badges!) to get a surprise 🎁 in appreciation of their commitment to helping! 

Thanks in advance for the nominations - I’m looking forward to reading over a cup of coffee  

74 433 29.5K
433 REPLIES 433

Game start time is updated to 14th July, 6:00 pm for IST time in previous game links.

Today is July 13, Enough Tea break! Now resume play the Challenge!

Waiting too long is not fun at all if everyone is waiting anxiously. 

will start tommrow 6pm IST

Where it is written that it'll resume play by tomorrow. Ma'am Emily Post is stating that it will start by today Jul 13

check my post again

Only rest of the labs.. or all the previous lab also ?..

I also not completed previous labs due to maintenance 

i can see only 2


Waiting , waiting and waiting .. I don't like waiting, i avoid it but Waiting likes me ...Google loves to makes me waiting 



 thanks @emily927

For update I'm excited for that 😊  

Mentors have been an invaluable part of my professional experience. When I got my first job as a tech writer, I had a brand new degree and all kinds of grill cook skills. (Anyone want a burger?) I was excited to have a job, but I didn’t know how lucky I was to have a boss who took the time to be my mentor. He gave me guidance (not directives) and helped me find my way to more opportunities. Shoutout to Rob - I’ve told you before and I’ll say it again, you were a great boss and you are a great friend! 

Switching gears - thank you kindly for sharing and appreciating mentors here! Our (slightly more than) five GCC members who we recognize for mentorship in our community are:









To the eight recognized mentors, please check your DMs here in GCC over the next 24 hours. Congrats and thank you!

Thanks a lot Emily 

Happy to be a part of this community 😃

Thanks @emily927 

I hope I can always help.

AA to everyone there are the weekly challenges... everyone can participate.

details in #GoogleClout weekly challenge 

Congratulations 👏 for all of the eight members. 

I would like to thank all of you for your support and encourage you to keep helping one another, thus making this community stronger
Congratulations to all winners and thank you @emily927  for the amazing gift

Thank you for your Valuable support!
and Thank you for tagging me as being a best mentor here in GCC @emily927 

Just like a Family, always happy to be part of this Community & help every user here in GCC!

Keep Learning Keep Connecting Keep Growing

Thank you everyone for the support i am really grateful to your guys . @emily927 a big thanks to you for choosing me as top supporter. I will surely do whatever i can for this community.. This community has made really a great impact in my like ..
last but not the least congratulations to the winner mates. @Abhishek213 @Babar_Ali @MrKrishnaAgarwa @-shubham- @Richard_Rivero @BtechCommerceWa @Sudipta22 

Thanks and Congrats 🎉

Thanks and congrats to you too @smitop 🎉

congrats @smitop 

thnk u

@Abhishek213 @smitop @MrKrishnaAgarwa congratulations guys . Do let us know what prizes did you get and thanks for helping

welcome sigma ..sure we will let u know ..though i know its a swan tea pot..but prize doesnt matter .. u guys made us win that is what matters.. (sry for bad english but i hope u got my point)

Thanks for all your love and support it's a tea pot --

Reference video link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTLEdSlTEkw  (from qwiklabs)

Bro really we got a good community with good people.. ❤️

Thanks a lot @sigma112 

It means a lot, Thanks for giving me the chance to mentor you all.

I request you also to keep Contributing and Mentoring People.

Hey @emily927  thank you so much .

I am happy to help others ☺️.

Though You've all received prize messages in yours DMs and of course you have also placed a prize order. 👏

But still I've not Received Prize Message in my DM.

if I think I'm the one who is mentioned here by mistake. So don't Congratulate me!

Happy with Learning here 🙂

bro wait for 24hrs ..surely u will get it ..i dont think so it would be a mistake ..

@Sudipta22 @MrKrishnaAgarwa can you guys confirm have you received dm or not for surprize ??


Yes  @MrKrishnaAgarwa Received DM for Prize. But don't know about the other one. 

Wait for official reply

@Abhishek213 I have received the reply from Emily Ma'am 

Congrats 💟💟

@Babar_Ali I have sent you the direct message that what can be the reason, you didn't got the dm

i also had a conversation with him

Got it & replied you there in DM

Any update regarding dm

No Update, @emily927  She still didn't send me any DM. Also she didn't answer my queries regards it..

I and @smitop,

Recieved the prize also.

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