#QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs

Got your ticket to free labs? Great! Thanks for joining us! Amazing to see all the new badges rolling in from last week 😍 

When you’re considering gifts for friends and family, do you check the product reviews and recs? I do! So this week, let’s talk about lab recommendations. 

What is one lab or quest that you would give a five-star recommendation? And why?

Maybe it taught you a useful skill or helped you explore a really interesting topic? Or maybe it helped you tackle a really tough challenge at work? Drop your recommendation as a comment on this thread, and share why you picked it. 

“Like” the other recommendations that resonate with you. No limit to how many “likes” and replies you can give but please limit yourself to one recommendation! And with your #QwiklabsExpress ticket, feel free to explore the recs that interest you. After all, this week we’re all about diving deep into a new skillset 🙂

Now the fun part. The top 10 eligible recommendations with the most "likes" by Dec. 22, 2021 end of day (Pacific time) will receive an additional gift. While supplies last, limited time only.  


  1. Please continue to respect and follow community guidelines
  2. Please continue to discuss prizes on this post only.  

What to include in your rec (recommendations that don't meet all requirements are welcome, but ineligible for any prize):

  1. Reply to this exact thread 
  2. Include the exact name of the lab or quest (will be used to verify your rec!)
  3. A few words about why you recommend that particular lab or quest
  4. A link to your Skills Boost profile
  5. Please "like" at least one other rec that resonates with you 

👉DO NOT EXPECT A DM IMMEDIATELY👈 if you think you are eligible for a gift. DMs will arrive before Jan 31, 2022. Limit one prize per person, only while supplies last, first come first serve. 


  1. Do I have to earn the badge or complete the lab I recommend?
    1. Yes! But it doesn't have to have been earned this week.  
  2. Where do I post my comment? 
    1. Reply to this post. Anything outside of this thread will not be considered. 
  3. What do you mean, "most likes"?
    1. Every Google Cloud Community member can click "like" for any post or comment (it's the "thumbs up" symbol 👍). You can see the number of "likes" in realtime. The 10 recs that receive the most 👍 will be considered. 
  4. What if I write the 11th review?
    1. You missed this one but never fear. Stay tuned for next week's challenge!
  5. What if I don't want to post a link to my Skills Boost profile?
    1. You are welcome to avail yourself of the free training opportunity, but you're only eligible for a gift if you meet all the requirements listed.
  6. What if I don't want to post in the GCC?
    1. You are welcome to avail yourself of the free training opportunity, but you're only eligible for a gift if you meet all the requirements listed.
  7. What if I have a question about the gift?
    1. I’m glad you asked! All swag-related questions should be posted on this thread. Any swag-related comments posted elsewhere (for example in the general forum) will be assessed and removed by moderators, in an effort to keep our forums well-organized and helpful.

Looking forward to taking some of your highly-recommended labs as 2021 winds down! After all, December is a great month to learn something new 🙂 🎄

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I would like to give 5 star to baseline: infrastructure and google cloud essentials because I found that these were the base for any advanced learning and if foundation is strong than you can built stronger.

I earned a completion badge of google cloud essentials and baseline: infrastructure challenge. I got used to google console and ssh console. thanks to qwiklabs and google cloud .

my badge link is:





#QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs :

My public profile URL: https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/0944a565-9dec-432b-8361-26a19408eef3 

Recent Earned badge :- https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/0944a565-9dec-432b-8361-26a19408eef3/badges/1607050 

Hey Google Cloud Community! I hope you all are doing well.

The one quest that I would give a five-star recommendation is Cloud SQL . I would recommend Cloud SQL  quest because Cloud SQLmeets the demands of app developers, who want million of users to use their app, retrieve information without delay and update new settings instantly

By completing this badge I have learned a lot about Cloud SQL with hands-on practice with the basics of Cloud SQL and quickly progress to advanced features like From creating instances and querying data with SQL, to building Deployment Manager scripts and highly available databases that run on GKE containers, Cloud SQL . I'm so happy with Qwiklabs And Google cloud as I have received my prize of completing 5 badges in the Learn to earn cloud Challenge and Also for  GoogleCloudReady Facilitator Program. 

Thank you so much @emily927  @Yugali

According to me, the labs which is a 5-star level is - "Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud " under Quest: "Create and Manage Cloud Resources". They have helped me a lot to get started with all other quests and I am very happy that I have been able to complete many other labs and quests due to the help of these two labs

My public profile link: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/8aa2d669-07dd-47c3-bff7-c99eaec32b1b?qlcampaign=...

#QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs
Quest Name:- Exploring Data with Looker

Hi all! hope everyone are doing well
Just Sharing my first ever experience on Looker(BI tool) which is officially a part of Google Cloud Platform. This Quest is so well structurized being new to this I got to know enough how Looker is actually more helpful Data Visualization Tool since it's totally cloud based so no need to worry about hardware of your system.
I will be summarizing my learning in few points:

  1. Will be able to grasp easily for beginners, since all we need to create visualization from the given datasets. Here the visualize chart we create called as look, so basically said as looker.
  2. Making of dashboards and adjust all the visualization created is just drag and adjust and one click create dashboards.
  3. All dimension and measures attribute we are able to visualize in one click.
  4. All the labs in the quest covers how to create table calculations, filter the data, sort the data to visualize accordingly.
  5. Main highlight of looker I specially like is that we can merge the results of different datasets and visualize the result in one and also can add the look created in one dashboards. 

This was few things from my side. I recommend to take this one Quest which is quite amazing and really interesting to go for cloud data visualization tool. I really appreciate Qwiklabs and Google Cloud for this quest.
Happy to learn and explore such labs and quest, thank you so much ❤️

My Skill Boost Public Profile Click here 

Happy learning and happy holidays all 😄🎄!

I would give 5 star recommendation to the quest-"Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud"(https://www.qwiklabs.com/quests/128).

I completed this quest in December 2020.

During my quest, I learned how to set up Identity-Aware Proxy, construct VPC networks, use Compute Engine to create virtual machine instances with nginx web servers, and use firewall rules to limit internal and external access to VMs. In addition, I gained a lot of knowledge about HTTP load balancers and Google Cloud Armor.

Data leakage has become a big issue in today's environment. Cybercrime and cyberattacks have increased at an alarming rate. In light of the current scenario, it is critical to safeguard personal information and networks from cyber-attacks. It's critical to keep your computer safe and secure against computer viruses and other dangerous malware.

In the quest "Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud," you will learn about a variety of networking resources that will assist you in building, scaling, and securing your Google Cloud applications.

The quest is easy to follow and you'll learn a lot about VPC(Virtual Private Cloud) Networks.

In the #Qwiklabs Express 2021 Challenge do give this quest a try and learn a lot about network security before the year 2021 ends.

Happy Learning!!! 😊

My Qwiklabs Profile URL:


My Badge URL:


Thank you @emily927 for the wonderful event.

#Qwiklabs Express 2021 # Qwiklabs #GCP #Happy Learning

# Qwiklabs Express 2021 - Week 2

# QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs

I would like to give a 5-Star recommendation to "GOOGLE CLOUD ESSENTIALS" lab. Its a introductory level quest let you have your hands on for the very first time on google clouds platform who are novice to this domain. I believe personally it helped me a lot to have a broader outlook of cloud powered platform and the flexibility to operate it. I will highly recommend others who are appearing for the first time to have a hands on experience of google cloud for the very first time. 


My Skill Boost Profile - https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/f6016c64-b725-4cba-be2c-6f57eed52cef 

Hi Everyone!

I hope all of you doing well!

I would like to recommend this "Google Cloud Essentials" to anybody who is sincerely fascinated about Cloud Knowledge or Google cloud. It had so much practical hand-on labs.

I had also learned a lot form this quest. In this Quest, anybody can easily learn how to use google cloud features. This quest really helps for those who does not have no prior or little knowledge about google cloud.

My Qwiklab Public Profile


Google Cloud Essentials Badge Complete
Link - https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/5364e0a5-28bd-4f35-a7d8-fbab3770781b/badges/1605...


Thank you. Hope this review helps whoever is fascinated in Google cloud.
#QwiklabsExpress!   #QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs

I would like to give a 5-Star recommendation to "GOOGLE CLOUD ESSENTIALS" lab. Its a introductory level quest let you have your hands on for the very first time on google clouds platform who are novice to this domain. I believe personally it helped me a lot to have a broader outlook of cloud powered platform and the flexibility to operate it. I will highly recommend others who are appearing for the first time to have a hands on experience of google cloud for the very first time. 




My Skill Boost Profile :


My Qwiklab Public Profile:-​ ​https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/5efdd40d-d252-473f-b771-e30efbc45408

Google Cloud Essentials badge Complete Link:-​ https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/5efdd40d-d252-473f-b771-e30efbc45408/badges/1603...

In this quest I have learned​ A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,​ Compute Engine: Qwik Start - Windows,​ Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud,​ Kubernetes Engine: Qwik Start, and​ Set Up Network and HTTP Load Balancers​ in which I have got hands-on experience. It has developed new skills and created my interest in GCP more. Got this great opportunity hope that I will again get more such opportunities.


Please Like my comment and thank you.. @emily927 @AvdhootJadhav @advaitk @mayank_sankhla @SunilNishad @Ankita909 @nayanika10 @Charu @AkashKshatriya  @SuaveBajaj 

@rishabhsingh613     @bhaveshsahu7789    @mayank_sankhla    @advaitk   please give a like to my post as well. 

Challenge ended bro😅😅

Its not all about challenge bro. I know it has ended.

I liked ur attitude keep learning keep growing .

Yes Bro! Wish you great n successful years ahead.


The lab with 5-star rating would be "A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs"  under the quest "Google Cloud Essentials" , as it being an introductory lesson does what it should, it introduces us to the lab environment teaching us all the basics needed to perform all Google Cloud labs. This course gave me the knowledge required to perform all the labs and made my interaction with G-Cloud much easier.

Skill Boost Profile link :- https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/db1fa25b-538e-496f-a2a3-8cc6eefd398c

My Qwiklab Public Profile:-​ ​https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/5efdd40d-d252-473f-b771-e30efbc45408

Google Cloud Essentials badge Complete Link:-​ https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/5efdd40d-d252-473f-b771-e30efbc45408/badges/1603...

In this quest I have learned​ A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs,​ Compute Engine: Qwik Start - Windows,​ Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud,​ Kubernetes Engine: Qwik Start, and​ Set Up Network and HTTP Load Balancers​ in which I have got hands-on experience. It has developed new skills and created my interest in GCP more. Got this great opportunity hope that I will again get more such opportunities.

Please Like My Comment Please Please........And Thank You



The one lab which is 5-star according to me is - "A tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs" under Quest: "Google Cloud Essentials". It was very useful for me as a  beginner ,new to Google Cloud Platform. 

It provides a basic overview of using the cloud labs and help to get idea about google platform

My profile link :-



Thank you Qwiklabs for providing this great opportunity..



#QwiklabsExpress : Week 2

Hello People !

Talking about the very initial step, I loved that easy authentication process that we perform to start working with Cloud Console window .

So in my view , a lab from Networking in the Google cloud ,i.e., VPC Networks -Controlling Access is the one that I enjoyed learning.

In this lab , we basically target subnet and virtual machines and perform the tasks given below:-

  • Create an nginx web server.
  • Create tagged firewall rules.
  • Create a service account with IAM Roles.
  • Explore permissions for the network admin and Security admin.

The lab is really exciting and fun learning, it might not get completed by some in one go, but I would recommend everyone to just have one hands-on try on this lab, the way we create vm instances and give commands in the SSH terminal is amazing. Amazing ,in the sense that it requires true attention , as you might get confused between the blue-green servers, etc and hence, it requires a keen attention while performing the lab.

I started performing the quests long back around a year ago, also participated and earned goodies in challenges like 30daysofcloud and learntoearn challenge.

Everyone reading this , just give a try and enjoy exploring new things.

What do you say @emily927  about my recommendation?

I hope you like it , as networking is must in present day world and so are we connected.

Waiting for the reply..😊

Please do hit the like button and give your suggestions too in the comment below.


My public profile :https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/8913a49c-8432-468b-b94a-6ca834d46519

I even enjoyed doing this lab.🙂

My Recommendation :- Baseline: Infrastructure ( Quest on Qwiklabs )..

Link to my Profile : 



I recommended the Baseline: Infrastructure lab because if anyone wants to learn about the basics of  Baseline Infrastructure , they should consider to start with Baseline: Infrastructure  , By the help of this Quest anyone could get a basic understanding of flutter and dart language , I highly recommend everyone to check out this quest on qwiklabs.

.According to my views, the one lab which is a 5-star level is - "Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud " under Quest: "Explorer Machine Learning Models With Explainable AI". I learn new thing  very deeply how to work machine learning run on various  google cloud console.

Public profile link -:https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/f9b38395-93e2-4df9-9fcb-36475adb954e

 Greetings! @emily927 

Screenshot 2021-12-22 at 12.48.42 AM.png

Profile Link:


In this article, we will go through the lab Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud. In the lab i had  familiar with User Authentication: Identity-Aware Proxy, Multiple VPC Networks,
VPC Networks Controlling Access, HTTP Load Balancer with Cloud Armor and Create an Internal Load Balancer.

Here my one of the favorite tasks.


  • Go to the VM Instance page, click on the bastion instance and click the Edit option
  • Now Add bastion to the Network tags field.

 I like this lab espically:

  1. A good network security system help business reduces the victom and theft and sabotage. Network security helps protect your workstations from harmful spyware. It also ensures that shared data is kept secure. ... Huge traffic can cause stability problems and may lead to vulnerabilities in the system.
  2. Tips and tricks:

    • Pay close attention to the network tags and the associated VPC firewall rules.
    • Be specific and limit the size of the VPC firewall rule source ranges.
    • Overly permissive permissions will not be marked correct.

this is mainly reasone which this labs deserves likeness.✴️✴️

I would recommend all to go through the Google Cloud Essentials and the Create and Manage Cloud Resources for the modernisation of the infrastructure and getting to know the setup of a fully function web server with a HTTP load balancer


Hello, The lab which is highly that is 5 star rated is " Integrate With Machine Learning API" This Lab is very usefull ,This has shown me a easy of creating API's with Machine learning. That is we can reuse the same for the API again and again .This saves our time and gives the required information from cloud very quick like any for update, delete, upload etc..., So after doing this lab I myself got some own ideas. So I think this is the highest rated lab.


My Public Profile:-



My Lab Link:-



Qwiklabs Express: Week 2

Thanks for @emily927 for giving this chance of expressing our understanding.


Please Like My Comment If you are inspired.

Advance Happy Christmas...

My public profile - https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/23c8c2e0-346b-41d3-a541-a65362273ac3

In this introductory-level Quest, I will get hands-on practice with the Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Google Cloud Essentials is the recommended first Quest for the Google Cloud learner - I will come in with little or no prior cloud knowledge, and come out with practical experience that I can apply to my first Google Cloud project. From writing Cloud Shell commands and deploying my first virtual machine, to running applications on Kubernetes Engine or with load balancing, Google Cloud Essentials is a prime introduction to the platform’s basic features.


Please like, share and comment. 👍📡✍️

According to my views, the one lab which is a 5-star level is - "Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud " under Quest: "Create and Manage Cloud Resources". I feel that way because it taught me very deeply how to use cloud shell to run various commands and manipulate my data and actions on the google cloud console.

My public profile link:https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/4d18d684-ad04-4ebf-8921-b61848ac68ca

Please like it


According to my views, the one lab which is a 5-star level is - "Getting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloud " under Quest: "Create and Manage Cloud Resources". It taught me very deeply how to use cloud shell to run various commands and manipulate my data and actions on the google cloud console.

My Profile link:- https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/daa4b3ca-bc8a-47e9-a07e-a6f690b4e9ae 

Do like my comment.


Hope your doing well and if not guaranteed you are going your best to make it an awesome one..!

I have completed Baseline: Infrastructure Badge and it was really an master piece because it helped me a lot.

Baseline: Infrastructure will provide you with practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Cloud Operations (formerly Stack driver) and Cloud Functions.
It is very helpful for every Developer and if you're a developer you should 100% do it.
I thank Google and Qwiklabs for this opportunity.
This also help me getting good marks in the test which I do as developer. In fact i also got a job in famous named company after doing all these labs.
So definitely with no doubt, you should also try these lab and I am sure that it will give you good result one day.
@emily927  I want to Thank you very very much.
Badge Image below:--

Also with no doubt, like my post and help me to get in Top 10.



Nice and congrats!


Hope your doing well and if not guaranteed you are going your best to make it an awesome one..!

I have completed Baseline: Infrastructure Badge and it was really an master piece because it helped me a lot.

Baseline: Infrastructure will provide you with practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Cloud Operations (formerly Stack driver) and Cloud Functions.
It is very helpful for every Developer and if you're a developer you should 100% do it.
I thank Google and Qwiklabs for this opportunity.
This also help me getting good marks in the test which I do as developer. In fact i also got a job in famous named company after doing all these labs.
So definitely with no doubt, you should also try these lab and I am sure that it will give you good result one day.
@emily927  I want to Thank you very very much.
Badge Image below:--



Also with no doubt, like my post and help me to get in Top 10.





Hope your doing well and if not guaranteed you are going your best to make it an awesome one..!

I have completed Baseline: Infrastructure Badge and it was really an master piece because it helped me a lot.

Baseline: Infrastructure will provide you with practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Cloud Operations (formerly Stack driver) and Cloud Functions.
It is very helpful for every Developer and if you're a developer you should 100% do it.
I thank Google and Qwiklabs for this opportunity.
This also help me getting good marks in the test which I do as developer. In fact i also got a job in famous named company after doing all these labs.
So definitely with no doubt, you should also try these lab and I am sure that it will give you good result one day.
@emily927  I want to Thank you very very much.
Badge Image below:--



Also with no doubt, like my post and help me to get in Top 10.





Public Profile: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/a65547b7-6e86-4fe5-8085-227bc137158f

Badge link: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/a65547b7-6e86-4fe5-8085-227bc137158f/badges/1610...

Hello Everyone, I would like to show all of you my recently earned badge name Google cloud Essentials. I Performed all the labs and I got to learn about many things such as creating a virtual machines, about how to connect to computing resources hosted on Google Cloud via Cloud Shell with the g cloud  tool, about Kubernetes engine, about the differences between a network load balancer and an HTTP load balancer and how to set them up for our applications running on Compute Engine virtual machines (VMs).

Thank You!



its great.



Hope your doing well and if not guaranteed you are going your best to make it an awesome one..!

I have completed Baseline: Infrastructure Badge and it was really an master piece because it helped me a lot.

Baseline: Infrastructure will provide you with practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Cloud Operations (formerly Stack driver) and Cloud Functions.
It is very helpful for every Developer and if you're a developer you should 100% do it.
I thank Google and Qwiklabs for this opportunity.
This also help me getting good marks in the test which I do as developer. In fact i also got a job in famous named company after doing all these labs.
So definitely with no doubt, you should also try these lab and I am sure that it will give you good result one day.
@emily927  I want to Thank you very very much.
Badge Image below:--



Also with no doubt, like my post and help me to get in Top 10.





My Qwicklabs Public Profile


This quest was very useful for me and gave me an hands-on-experience on qwiklabs.

Thank you Google cloud


My public profile


It was basically my best experience in the overall quest. It had so much practical work involved that I couldn't help but learn a lot.

Hello Guys 

I would like to give 5 star reccomendation to  Google Cloud Essential 

My Badge link -  



My qwiklabs profile link - 


Why I recommend this particular lab?  

I recommend this lab because when I performed this lab I learnt many things like kubernet engine, virtual machine, load balancer, cloud shell . This lab is very informative. 

Thank you qwiklabs for this opportunity

Please Like my post 😊

According to me the one lab which is a 5 star level
is "Looker Data Explorer - Qwik Start " from quest"Exploring Data with Looker"
I feel that way bcoz this lab taught me tha basic visualisation of dataset and saving them
and also this is bcoz first lab i did was this lab
My public profile link: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/08396b31-6ea2-4d14-81a3-a3c046787667

please like

Top Labels in this Space