Extract substring based on delimiter


I want to create three new columns from an existing dimension(called category) which has upto 3 keywords in it, with / in between them. EG

/Hobbies & Leisure/Special Occasions/Holidays & Seasonal Events

How can I do this in LookML? I tried the below:

  dimension: cats {
    description: "Top level category"
    type: string
    sql: substring(${category},1,position(${category},"/",)-1;;

And there were no LookMl errors but when I go in the explore I get:

The Google BigQuery Standard SQL database encountered an error while running this query.
Query execution failed: - Syntax error: Unexpected ")" at [3:74]
SELECT	substring(categories.category,1,position(categories.category,"/",)-1 AS categories_catsFROM `pulse_tables.categories`     AS categoriesGROUP BY 1ORDER BY 1LIMIT 500
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Okay, in this case I would do this:

SPLIT(${category}, "/")[SAFE_OFFSET(1)]

This would give you the second value, because the first will be empty since your string starts with your delimiter.

View solution in original post


It looks to me like you’re missing a parenthesis:

    sql: substring(${category},1,position(${category},"/",)-1);;

Thanks Dawid,

Good spot. Unfortunately when I added that in I still got the same error on my explore. Here is the code:

  dimension: cats {
    description: "Top level category"
    type: string
    sql: substring(${category},1,position(${category},"/",)-1);;

The Google BigQuery Standard SQL database encountered an error while running this query.
Query execution failed: - Syntax error: Unexpected ")" at [3:74]

What dialect do you use? You also have a comma after the last argument of the position

position(${category}, “/”)


position(${category}, “/”, )  ← this one has a comma making the parenthesis unexpected

Ah yes, still doesn’t like it though!

I’m using Google BigQuery Standard SQ:

The Google BigQuery Standard SQL database encountered an error while running this query.
Query execution failed: - Function not found: position at [3:41]
SELECT	substring(categories.category,1,position(categories.category,"/")-1) AS categories_a_1FROM `pulse_tables.categories`     AS categoriesGROUP BY 1ORDER BY 1LIMIT 500

Here is the LookML again:

dimension: A {
    description: "Top level category"
    type: string
    sql: substring(${category},1,position(${category},"/")-1);;

I changed the dimension name to check something but it’s supposed to be the same as the abover ‘cats’ dimension

BigQuery doesn’t have a function POSITION. You can perhaps use STRPOS but depending on what your data looks like, you might be able to use SPLIT, or even REGEX functions

Thanks Dawid. I’ll look into alternatives. The data is like below:

So I just want to extract words between the / delimeter


I tried using STRPOS instead of position. It compiled but gave no results

Okay, in this case I would do this:

SPLIT(${category}, "/")[SAFE_OFFSET(1)]

This would give you the second value, because the first will be empty since your string starts with your delimiter.

That’s great, thanks so much 🙂

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